Wednesday, November 2, 2016




Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains real meaning behind Hillary Clinton quote

In many ways, the 2016 presidential election is a referendum on America.
One candidate says he wants to “Make America Great Again.”
The other essentially deplores America as a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, hateful place with an even worse history.
According to most polls, the candidate highly critical of her country – one in which she has held high positions of authority in government and wielded profound influence for 25 years – has the edge.
To me this suggests America has reached a tipping point at which there may be more “self-hating Americans” than there are citizens who believe their country is actually one of the freer, fairer, kinder, more compassionate places in the world – even a beacon for the rest of the world.
Who are these “self-loathing Americans”?
  • The younger you are, the more likely you are one of them. Why would that be? Easy. Being a miserable, self-hating, self-loathing, self-deprecating American is a learned trait. It’s what is taught in government schools. Colleges and universities are institutions of higher learning for hatred of America’s past and present.
  • The more you get your news and information from what are euphemistically called “the mainstream media,” the less respect you have for America’s history and the less regard you have for America’s standing in the world today.
  • The more you consume “popular culture” in America – meaning TV entertainment, movies, social media, the less likely you are to think your country represents anything special in the world, anything positive.
Think about it. Where can one hear positive messages about America exceptionalism today?
  • Talk radio
  • The New Media
Am I leaving anything out?
That means respect for America’s history and founding vision today represents a distinctly “underground” culture.
The most powerful and pervasive institutions are all pushing, to one degree or another, anti-Americanism.
Is it any wonder the biggest political party in the country is dominated by this ideology?
Is it any wonder that it gets more difficult every presidential election year to find a path to victory for candidates who are not self-hating Americans?
In fact, isn’t it shocking that with all these powerful and influential cultural institutions under the domination of this ideology and worldview that there are still so many Americans who understand the light our nation actually represents around the world and throughout history?
After all, where do people want to go when given the opportunity? To America.
And it’s scary for those of us Americans who see the attacks on all that has made and continue to make America good and great. Unlike our ancestors who discovered the “new world,” we have nowhere else to go.
Hillary Clinton has made a point of saying something in her stump speeches and debates. 
She used these words – you’ve probably heard them: “America is great because America is good”:Some will recognize that quote – one often attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville, but certainly unverified. 
But here’s the actual inspirational quote it is lifted from (author unknown): “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there … in her fertile fields and boundless forests – and it was not there … in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there … in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. 
Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. 
America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”
Whoever said it or wrote it was clearly right.
What made America great were the ingredients for an experiment in liberty and self-government – a system of morality that allowed people to live together without killing each other or victimizing each other as a matter of course.
I believe that.
Do you think Hillary Clinton believes that? 
Do you think she believes America was ever great? 
Do you think she believes that obedience to a Creator God makes a country more likely to be good and great?
I don’t think she does.
And I suspect that most self-hating Americans do not understand what either greatness or goodness means – nor where they come from.

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