Thursday, November 3, 2016


For the first time, the U.S. Supreme Court will be addressing the question of whether laws protecting against sex discrimination in education are applicable to "gender identity." It is ridiculous that the Supreme Court has to address whether a confused girl who wants to use the boys' restroom should be treated as a boy. The way in which the Supreme Court should rule is simple and obvious, yet far from a sure outcome.

+ + The "Gender Identity" narrative being pushed by the LGBTQ community and advanced by the Obama administration is not scientifically or biologically sound!  
A recent report by interviewed Adam Keiper, editor of The New Atlantis, an organization "dedicated to exploring ethical, social, political, and policy matters connected with modern science and technology. After an intensive three-year study, they determined:

"There is no scientific evidence that individuals who identify as genders that do not correspond to their biological sex have the brain of the opposite sex. It remains unclear why some individuals come to identify as the opposite sex, but scientific evidence does not support the notion that there are boys born with girl bodies or girls born with boy bodies."

+ + Liberty Counsel is aggressively fighting the movement spawned by the Obama administration's unfounded and unlawful "bathroom edict."

The Virginia Supreme Court is hearing Liberty Counsel's challenge to the Fairfax County School Board regarding its illegal policy in which the board added "sexual orientation," "gender identity," and "gender expression" to its policy and student handbook.

The school board's act of adding "gender identity, expression and sexual orientation" to the local policy violates state law and harms children. This case is being closely watched as a matter of national interest.

Liberty Counsel is also working pro bono with 22 different states in fighting the outrageous "bathroom" movement. It is imperative that the governors and state lawmakers remain strong and fight this misguided agenda -- and we will help every step of the way.

As these battles continue to escalate, we must build our war chest. Can you help us to stand against this dangerous movement?

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We need the prayer and financial support of every Bible-believing American as we fight to right this horrible agenda!

The rights of our families and our children are precious. We will not sit silently while our liberties are "decreed away" by this tyrannical, imperial president. Let me know you're in this fight with me by going here now.

God bless you!

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

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