Wednesday, November 23, 2016




Exclusive: Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt tells of lawsuit filed by murdered cop's father

By Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt
“The Shadow” – a popular 1930s radio program – began and ended with the announcer saying: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows.”
lawsuit, filed Nov. 7 against Black Lives Matter, may soon reveal the evil lurking in the hearts of the group’s founders, promoters and financial supporters. Among others, the suit names as defendants leaders of the Nation of Islam (Louis Farrakhan) and the New Black Panthers Party (Malik Zulu Shabazz) as well as Rev. Al Sharpton, the National Action Network (NAM) and business magnate George Soros.
The plaintiff is the father of Dallas police officer Patrick Zamarippa, 32, who, on July 7, 2016, while protecting BLM protesters during an anti-police-brutality demonstration, was ambushed and killed by a sniper.
Zamarippa – a Mexican-American veteran who had survived three tours in Iraq – was murdered along with four other police officers by African-American shooter Micah Johnson, 25, as an act of revenge against police. Johnson’s Facebook page showed his support for a group advocating violence against whites and Jews – the New Black Panther Party.
Zamarippa’s father, Enrique, in a 43-page filing seeking $550 million in damages, stated, “While defendant Black Lives Matter claims to combat anti-black racism, the movement has in fact incited and committed further violence, severe bodily injury and death against police officers of all races and ethnicities, Jews and Caucasians. Defendant Black Lives Matter is in fact a violent and revolutionary criminal gang.”
The other named defendants were included either for helping to organize and/or finance the protest, which, the filing claimed, was the basis for the sniper “acting as an agent of and at and under the(ir) direction. …”
A year earlier, in August 2015, Houston Sheriff Ron Hickman called “cowardly” the killing by a black shooter of a uniformed white police officer pumping gas, adding, “We’ve heard black lives matter, all lives matter, well, cops lives matter too. So let’s just drop the qualifier and say lives matter.”
Black Lives Matter leader DeRay Mckesson rejected this, accusing the sheriff of politicizing the shooting “by falsely attributing the officer’s death to a movement seeking to end violence.”
Mckesson added, “there’s no excuse for ‘all lives matter’ … I can’t think of any excuse that makes it … sense.”
There is one major legal flaw in supporting Black Lives Matter’s legitimacy. Inexcusably, politicians support the group – particularly Hillary Clinton who, as a former secretary of state, should have known of this flaw.
In 1948, the U.S. signed – along with every other United Nations member, save one abstaining – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The opening statements of Article 1 clearly proclaim, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
Despite Black Lives Matter violating international law, nonetheless, in July 2016, President Barack Obama invited its leaders – including Mckesson – to the White House.
As despicable as the Ku Klux Klan is, Black Lives Matter is really nothing more than a black man’s Ku Klux Klan – both foster racial hatred; they just have different targets. And, sadly, each group appeals to members’ lowest common element – i.e., those violently claiming only their members’ lives matter.
Black Lives Matter’s ideology disregards a truth about our country Dr. Martin Luther King’s niece made concerning San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem. She noted, “America is not racist. There is racism in America.” Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter condemns all non-blacks.
While the U.N.’s declaration that all human life has equal value evolved from the Holocaust, America’s witness to similar hatred by the Ku Klux Klan against blacks caused a white majority into action.
Between the 1920s and 1950s, while state governments could not ban Ku Klux Klan hate speech for First Amendment reasons, they acted to ban symbols of its hatred, passing anti-masking laws to criminalize wearing hoods in public to intimidate the public.
Yet, today, a Black Lives Matter symbol of anti-white hatred – its flag – files high over universities such as the University of Vermont and Illinois State University.
While the recent lawsuit filed against Black Lives Matter and its cronies may not prove successful in holding its leaders legally responsible for their actions in causing violence, we can always hope it sensitizes them to the issue sufficiently to recognize, as the U.N. declaration mandates, all lives do matter.
Should they refuse to do so, we shall know “what evil lurks in the hearts of (some) men!”

Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt is a retired Marine infantry officer who served in the Vietnam war, the U.S. invasion of Panama and the first Gulf war. He is the author of three books on the Vietnam war, North Korea and Iran as well as hundreds of op-eds. He has been published in the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Breitbart News and The Blaze.

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