Obama: ‘We Can’t Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices’ – Experts: ‘Yes We Can’
President Barack Obama (AP)
(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama has said many times that we cannot “drill our way to lower gas prices.” But according to a Heritage Foundation report on the vast oil and gas resources in the United States, that is simply not true.
“Can we drill our way to lower gas prices? Yes, we can,” Kevin Dayaratna, senior statistician with the Heritage Foundation said on Tuesday of the reporthe co-authored with David Kreutzer and Nicolas Loris.
“The U.S. did drill its way to lower gas prices over the past several years, for both natural gas and gasoline, and broke the back of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in the process,” the abstract of the report, Time to Unlock America's Vast Oil and Gas Resources, states.
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