Wednesday, October 5, 2016





Feds issue another warning on how to avoid future calamity

Really, really bad weather coming. Food shortages. Rising seas, Fights over water supplies, hot days and hot nights, really hot days and really hot nights, unstable national regimes, “climate discontinuities and secondary surprises.”
We’ve all heard and seen the warnings about what’s going to happen with global warming descending on earth like the dark of night, reports Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
But shouldn’t we also be worried about the political fights that are going to develop because of efforts to modify the climate through aerosol injections into the stratosphere or chemical processes that change the reflectively of the clouds?
The report, prepared by the National Intelligence Council, is titled “Implications for U.S. National Security of Anticipated Climate Change.”
“Climate change” is what global warming is now called since the globe doesn’t appear to be warming anymore.
The report admits it is based on information from the scandal-plagued Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Supporters several years back were caught exchanging emails about how global warming just wasn’t there anymore and they couldn’t explain why not.
It lists the usual red flags: Threats to the stability of countries. Heightened social and political tensions. Adverse effects on food prices and availability. Increased risks to human health. Negative impacts on investments and economic competitiveness. And potential climate discontinuities and secondary surprises.
It warns of fights through “international judicial mechanisms” over carbon emissions and carbon pricing.
And it warns of the tension and fights expected over climate-control efforts, possibly even conflict.
“Unilateral efforts by countries or groups to test or deploy geoengineering – a largely theoretical field exploring how the climate might be modified intentionally through methods such as injecting aerosols into the stratosphere or chemically changing the reflectivity of clouds – would almost certainly heighten regional or international tensions, especially in the absence of multilateral frameworks or institutions to govern such activities,” the report said.
“Some forms of geoengineering experimentation are probably within the financial and technical capacity of some major powers and individuals, although there are fundamental scientific uncertainties about the efficacy and possible unintended consequences of such methods.
“If, for example, geoengineering methods suppressed global temperatures below the point assumed to bring dangerous climate change, such efforts would almost certain need to be sustained and probably would alter global weather patterns, benefiting some regions at the expense of others, according to the National Academies of Science,” the report said.
It also warns of additional threats.
“While current climate models project long-term increases in global average surface temperatures, climate scientists warn that more sudden, dramatic shifts could be possible, given the complexity of the system and analogs in the climate record. Looking back over the past 100,000 years, the earth’s climate periodically has undergone extreme shifts, sometimes in as little as a decade. Such abrupt swings can occur in complex systems when seemingly small shifts in the forces in play suddenly trigger dramatic nonlinear changes, such as when a slight drop in temperature can suddenly turn water into ice. A body of scientific research indicates that the current rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the highest in perhaps as long a 66 million years, sea levels are rising faster than in the past 2,700 years, and the oceans are acidifying more rapidly than in the past 56 million years.”

My comments: God Almighty is in Complete Control of His Creation. That is what the, so called, Scientists, Refuse top acknowledge, as they Refuse to acknowledge God. 

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