'Another example that illustrates exactly how our culture is slipping away from God'
Bob Unruh
A “topless club” in Chandler, Arizona, has decided to hold a political event to build opposition to a family-advocating conservative policy organization, and Democratic candidates reportedly have agreed to appear there.
The announcement comes from Sonny’s Gentlemen’s Club, which bills the event, set for Friday night, as an “Electile Dysfunction: Meet the Candidates and the Pole-iticians!”
The strip club explains in its announcement: “Since 1995, the Center for Arizona Policy has passed 151 bills into law that strip Arizonans of our own bodily autonomy, our freedom to our own relationships – our basic civil and human rights. From abortion to sex-ed to strip clubs, CAP has turned women’s bodies into a battleground.”
So it is holding the event for voters to “meet the candidates” and more.
“Candidates who attend Electile Dysfunction at Sonny’s Gentlemen’s Club will have an opportunity to meet lobbyists who have worked against CAP legislation, talk to dancers and patrons, and register new voters,” the promotion explains.
According to the Arizona Republic, attendees expected include Green Party House candidate Cara Trujillo, District 16 Democrat Senate candidate Scott Prior and Talia Fuentes, a Democrat running a long-shot bid for a House seat.
The report said CAP is “an influential voice at the state Capitol, where it advocates for traditional marriage, school choice, religious freedoms, restrictions on abortion, and other issues.”
And CAP President Cathi Herrod told the paper, “If they wanted to set us apart from themselves and distinguish us as the advocates for Arizona families, then they did a good job.”
Kelly Townsend, a member of the Arizona House, told WND, “I am appalled, but not surprised, at how low the Democrats are going to bring attention to the non-existent war on women tonight.”
She called it “a desperate grab for attention, and yet another example that illustrates exactly how our culture is slipping away from God, which is exactly what they want.”
“Our legislature has not waged war on women, and it is in fact quite the opposite,” she said.
“However, I would implore all parents to make sure they are educating their children about the greatness of this country, the greatness of their God, and the accurate historical truth of our founders because if there is any war going on, it is the progressive attempts to rewrite our history, brainwash our children, and transform this country into the deplorable mess that they seem to enjoy. Fight back, Americans,” Townsend said.
Serah Blain at Spectrum Experience was publicizing the event with a statement: “Now, you’re probably asking yourself: Why would I want to go to a political event at a strip club? We think you need to know about the legislative War on Women that affects everything from sex education, to abortion rights, to strip clubs.”
She bragged, “At Electile Dysfunction, candidates pay no cover charge.”
Those who attend will get a chance to “talk to patrons and dancers.”
Politicians can “provide info about your campaign to be read throughout the night by the DJ.”
A poster warns the policy center’s “fight to limit consensual adult entertainment is not trivial: CAP’s battle against sex is part of a larger war that puts women’s autonomy up for a vote in a male-dominated legislature.”
It boasts “Fighting CAP at The Poles,” with images of a pole dancing stage:
See it:
My comments: The Democrats do not Hide their Debauchery. They hold it up in Plain Sight. Those who Vote for them are as Debauched as they are. Their "god" is the "god" of this Age, Satan, and they serve him well.
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