Monday, October 24, 2016


President Nixon on the day of his resignation, Aug. 9, 1974.



Nixon's crimes 'look amateurish in light of what we now know'

NEW YORK – As Election Day nears, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are accusing each other of exceeding the mother of all modern presidential campaign scandals – Watergate – the “dirty tricks” operation that prompted a cover-up leading all the way to the White House and ultimately the resignation of a president.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
“This is big stuff. This is Watergate,” said Trump on Tuesday, amid charges bolstered by emails released by WikiLeaks and sensational undercover video evidence that Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee are running a “rigged election” on multiple fronts, all aided and abetted by an unprecedentedly complicit establishment media.
Trump specifically cited email evidence of the State Department “trying to cover up Hillary’s crimes of sending classified information on a server our enemies could easily access.” Then at Thursday’s Al Smith Dinner in New York City, Trump quipped, “Hillary is so corrupt she got kicked off the Watergate commission,” referring to the claim by Jerome Zeifman, the Democratic general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee and supervisor of Clinton’s work on the Watergate investigation, who called her a “liar” and “an unethical dishonest lawyer.”
Meanwhile, Team Clinton is trying to frame the hacking of her campaign chairman’s email account as a repeat of Watergate, alleging that Trump somehow colluded with Russia to carry out the hacking operation.
“What did Trump know, and when did he know it?” intoned the senior national spokesman for Hillary for America, Glen Caplin, who cited unnamed “intelligence officials” who say Trump was “reportedly briefed in mid-August about Russia’s efforts to meddle in our election” by providing WikiLeaks with thousands of politically damaging emails from Clinton staffers.
What is the truth? With seemingly every scandal since the 1970s affixed with a “gate” suffix, are the Trump and Clinton campaigns merely indulging in hyperbole, hoping the stain of the most famous of all modern presidential scandals – one that led to the only presidential resignation in U.S. history – will stick to their opponent?
Many experts, including a veteran investigative journalist who saw Watergate up close, say it’s not hyperbole at all, at least when it comes to the mounting charges against Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Indeed, they think Watergate pales in comparison.
“This is Watergate on steroids,” said Thomas Lipscomb, the founder and publisher of New York Times Books who helped publish several seminal volumes on Watergate, including the bestselling 1978 book, “The Ends of Power,” authored by H. R. Haldeman, President Nixon’s chief of staff during the scandal.
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