Wednesday, October 26, 2016


History Professor: This Election Could Lead to Civil War

A Civil War historian says the 2016 election closely mimics the one of 1860, which launched the brutal American Civil War.  
"We all know what the price was when we went to a Civil War that killed 660,000 young men because we became so divided," Dr. William Forstchen tells Jim Bakker.  
For American citizens who are still unsure how to vote come Nov. 8, Forstchen says there is a simple, historical answer. Watch the video to see what it is.  
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My comments: This Election is the Choice between a Open Borders, Globalist and a Nationalist. The Globalist is a Surrogate for Satan, who would Surrender American Sovereignty to the United Nations in Preparation for America and the World to Receive the Antichrist. The Nationalist knows that America needs to be "First" or she will Die. The Nationalist seeks to Restore the Constitution and the Intent of the Founders of America and America's Christian Heritage. That is the CHOICE for every American and every Christian. Either Choice could lead to a Civil War in America, as the Division is That Deep. It is a Division between Good and Evil.

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