Tuesday, October 4, 2016




Jonathan Cahn speaks on Donald Trump in interview with Beck

Republican nominee Donald Trump promises to make America great again. But one of the country’s leading Christian authors and ministers argues no temporal leader can return the nation to glory.
The answer, says Jonathan Cahn, lies with God.
Cahn made the comments in a recent interview with Glenn Beck discussing his bestselling new title, “The Book of Mysteries.” The messianic rabbi had a nuanced view of the GOP standard bearer, whom Glenn Beck fiercely opposes.
“On the one side, I see a platform and I see an agenda that is totally against God,” Cahn said, referring to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. “I mean, it’s gigantic. And we’re going to be in big trouble on the one hand in that sense. On the other hand, I see a big risk. We don’t know what Donald Trump is going to do. But I don’t see any hope on the other side.”
Cahn suggested God may even find a way to work through Trump, for whom some conservatives, like Beck, can’t bring themselves to vote.
“We have to remember there is a possibility. and God can do anything. He can save people, and He can touch us regardless of what kind of a leader we have,” Cahn said. “The fact that we don’t have a great choice is a sign of where we are. So I cannot fault anybody. Everybody is going to have to go before God on this question. But I know one side is going to be a disaster.”
Cahn admitted the next president would have to show incredible strength of character to reverse the cultural transformation Obama set in motion.
“We’re already rolling down the hill. We’ve already crossed that tipping point,” he said. “So right now, it’s not going to take another activist president like Obama to push it [cultural decline] farther. All we need is a leader who will not stop it, and it will accelerate.”
However, Cahn did critique Trump’s premise America can be restored through sheer force of will.
“Donald Trump is actually in ‘The Harbinger’ in the chapter called ‘The Tower,'” noted Cahn. “It’s interesting because Donald Trump is linked to towers. And it’s where the people of Israel are saying, ‘We’re going to rebuild stronger, bigger, better, higher, we’ll rebuild, we’ll come back.’ 
Donald Trump is one of the people quoted where he says, ‘We have to build this tower higher, bigger, stronger than before; it will be great,’ etc. ‘We’re going to do it on our own, and we’re going to come back stronger, and we’re going to fight this by our own resources, and we’re going to be great again.’
“Well, that’s fine to be great again but not without God,” Cahn cautioned. “If you don’t humble yourself, if you don’t return to the God who made you great, you’re not going to be great again. 
America was made great by God. And you’re not going to have greatness without returning to that.”
After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Donald Trump was among the most vocal supporters of simply rebuilding the twin towers with stronger materials. He also opposed the “Freedom Tower” design that ended up being adopted.
Cahn said Trump was making the same kind of mistake most people made in thinking pride can substitute for repentance and a revival of faith.
“Regardless of who wins the election, our hope is not Washington; our hope is God,” he declared. “And no matter what happens, you can stand, you can be strong, you can be the light, that’s why I wrote ‘The Book of Mysteries.’
Take the first step on a journey which will transform your life. The keys to spiritual knowledge are presented as you embark on an incredible yearlong quest in “The Book of Mysteries,” the latest can’t miss book by messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Available now at the WND Superstore.
“I can’t control what America does. I can’t control America coming back or experiencing revival. But I can have revival in me. I can control what I do. The church needs revival. God’s people need revival. No matter what happens on the outside, we have to be that light. So this book is for that reason.”
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In his earlier New York Times bestselling book, “The Harbinger,” Cahn argues America is receiving the same kind of divine warning ancient Israel did before its fall.
“The pattern with ancient Israel is the warnings came, they ignored it, and then as they ignored it, the shakings became bigger and bigger and more and more until either they were going to come back to God or they were heading to destruction,” Cahn explained. “Well, they headed to destruction. I pray that’s not the same for America. But we’re following the same course. We’re not getting better as a culture. We’re racing away. … Since 9/11, we are certainly not closer to God.”
The messianic rabbi was pessimistic about the prospects for the nation.
“I don’t see America turning right now,” he said. “I don’t see that right now. But it’s not going to be that we escape all these things. It’s about how you are going to act in the midst of it. If the dark is getting darker, we’ve got to get brighter. That’s how it was in the days of Jeremiah.
“We’re going to see hard times for believers. And I wanted to do this for them. We’re going to need to be strong in the days ahead; we’re going to need to be grounded in the days ahead.”
Both Beck and Cahn argued America’s turn away from Christian morality actually endangers the nation because it represents a betrayal of the “covenant” America was founded upon.
“There’s terms to the covenant,” Cahn said. “If you follow, you’re blessed. If you don’t, not so. We said we will make a covenant with God that we’ll follow Him and glorify Him and if we do this, and this goes back to [James] Winthrop to Washington. If we’ll follow Him, we’ll be the most blessed people on earth. Well that happened; it’s happened. But if we turn away from God and His ways, then the smiles from heaven are going to be turned form the land. You know to those to whom much is given, much is required.”
For that reason, Cahn’s message to Christians is simple: Believers should seek revival among them and strengthen their faith by pursuing the knowledge of God. He cites one part of “The Book of Mysteries,” where The Teacher takes the disciple [the reader] into a room filled with ancient books and scrolls.
“And he asks how long it would take to learn everything in these ancient books,” recounts Cahn. “‘A lifetime,’ responds the disciple. Well, that’s why you have eternity because eternity is how long it takes to know God. And that’s the thing – we are never to stop seeking God. There’s no end!”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/harbinger-man-tells-how-to-make-america-great-again/#y7Cut6rEakeE5E65.99

My comments: AMEN.

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