Tuesday, October 4, 2016


October 3, 2016
AGs in all states join the lawsuit NOW against Internet take over
By Laurie Roth

Obama is a freedom slicing, dicing and crushing machine – so is his mirror sell out Hillary. 
His latest America hating, UN Constitutional and criminal act was to give over our historic control of the Internet which was given birth in America. 
Hillary is also for this and this alone should cause all Americans, liberal, conservative, all nationalities and persuasions to never consider voting for her.
More than ever, Obama has declared war against America, her Constitution, sovereignty and freedom of speech. 
This is especially against the speech and freedom of Christians, patriots and conservatives who dare to have a different opinion than him or Hillary. 
We must have a war like response back at Obama and Hillary now or we will end up in an Obama-Hillary Internet theme park of Halloween rides – houses of high Internet and business taxes – redefinition rides about what is hate, free speech and even legal to say and the stench of vomit everywhere.
No matter what the polls and leftist media says, don't look to them and vote for the shadow contender of Obama – Hillary. 
As with liar Obama, she has zero interest in American freedom, moral values, protection of rights for all, economic and business freedom. 
Any leader who would dare give away the sovereign, developed property of our Internet is a complete traitor to freedom and America. 
Obama and Hillary are unethical, evil, and ungodly in everyway that is real and hate the real America. 
No one of any stature would dare think of giving away one of the most important assets in American History, especially with Islamic radical led nations, dictatorships ready to jump in and control it. 
The evil cherry on top is the obsession with the UN to control the world, laws and speech. 
Now, they can walk right into our bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms and take over thanks to Obama and his shadow.
American Governors and AGs stand up and join the much needed lawsuit against Obama and our sell out Government. 
4 state Attorney Generals from Arizona, Oklahoma, Nevada and Texas have had the character; guts and love for America to start this...the rest of you must finish this. 
As for all the rest of us, we must put massive pressure on our Governors and AGs to join this lawsuit or make sure they know that you will lead a bold campaign to vote them out. 
Do it – Your freedom of speech, business life, any opportunities and freedom will depend on all of our actions.
Internet out of our control cannot stand.
© Laurie Roth
My comments: Obama's seeking to Give Away the Internet is an Vivid Expression of his HATRED for America. If this is allowed to stand, Free Speech will be a distant memory, and a godless Tyranny the Rule. Obama, as a Surrogate of Satan, is Preparing America and the World to Receive the Antichrist. Is there anyone who will Stop him?

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