Saturday, September 10, 2016





Huge 9/11 event focuses on what God can do if…

Bob Unruh
When it’s broken and a law won’t fix it, a court judgment can’t touch it and even an executive’s orders can’t address it, where do you go?
To prayer, according to a coalition of partners who are planning a massive simulcast prayer rally on the National Mall in Washington on 9/11.
“Present conditions in the church and nation demand united, decisive action. We need more than one positive election … one godly, Supreme Court decision . . . one good sermon series or one significant, local church revival. America is desperate for a change. 
Overall church attendance is declining. An entire generation is emerging with little understanding of absolute truth. 
The only hope for change is in the spiritual climate of our nation, and it begins at the grassroots level,” the organizers said of the “If My People 2016” event.
See what will be going on:
Organizers explain that the Bible gives instructions for such times:
“If you seek the Lord your God, you will find him.” Deut. 4:29.
“If God is for us, who can be against us.” Rom. 8:31.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” 1 John 1:9.
And “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray…” 2 Chr. 7:14>
Speakers will include “Harbinger Man” Jonathan Cahn, Dave Butts of the National Prayer Committee, Kay Horner of Cry Out America, Dave Kubal of Intercessors for America, and more.
The events wll be at David’s Tent DC, where Christians will be celebrating 365 days of continuous praise and worship.
“We will have a time of worship, prayer for our nation, and a time of dedication for ourselves and nation back to God,” organizers said.
They explained:
“If My People 2016 is a collaborative initiative from several para-church organizations to call churches to unite in repentance on 9/11/2016.
“The events on September 11, 2001 have been widely accepted by the church as a sign that we as individuals and collectively as a nation need to repent. Since that fateful September day, there have been many prayer movements and regional calls for repentance. If My People 2016 is call for all Christians, churches, denominations, and parachurch organizations to unify on one day to cry out to God in repentance.
“September 11, 2016 seems to be symbolic for several reasons. First of all, it is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11/01. 
Secondly, the date falls on a Sunday. Calling for church-wide repentance on a day that most are already in worship services across America could prove quite meaningful. 
Also, 2016’s 9/11 occurs right before the national election for the president of the United States. National elections seem to bring greater awareness of the ungodly direction of the country and also place a deeper burden on Christians to pray for the nation and the church as a whole. 
Most importantly, we truly feel that God has led us to September 11, 2016 as the appointed time for national unified repentance in the church.”

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