Thursday, September 8, 2016


Trump is Winning Over Women with Families

New poll shows only 36 percent of married women support Clinton

by Edmund Kozak | Updated 08 Sep 2016 at 9:38 AM

A new CNN poll shows that while Hillary Clinton largely has the support of unmarried women, she is highly unfavorable among married women. Though nearly three-quarters of unmarried women — 73 percent — favor Clinton, only 36 percent of married women share that enthusiasm.
The poll may be a reflection of the fact that conservative values are family values, and conservative policy promotes strong families. It may also indicate women with families are more concerned with bread and butter issues that impact their daily lives — like the availability of jobs for their children, the wages they and their spouse receive and the dual threats of crime and terrorism to their family’s safety.
Liberals policies have driven unemployment sky-high among young people, pushed a record number of men out of the workforce, and kept wages stagnant and allowed the threat of terrorism to reach America’s shores.
Liberal values, however, are often explicitly anti-family, and frequently work to undermine strong families.
In 2012, Romney took the vote of 53 percent of married women, and Tuesday’s poll suggests married women have become even more disillusioned with the Democratic Party since then. It’s not difficult to see why that is the case.
Since the 2012 election, the Democratic Party has climbed deeper into bed with radical culture tinkerers of the Left, implicitly endorsing not only an extreme feminist worldview which demonizes men and marriage, but also adopting as their own a radical gender theory which puts children’s physical and mental health at risk.
In May of this year, the Obama administration warned public schools that they must allow transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, as opposed to their biological sex. The Democratic president of the United States has officially chosen to put the feelings of the small constituency above the safety and security of young girls across the country.
The eager endorsement of radical gender theory is just the latest in the Democratic Party’s history of embracing liberal policies that destroy traditional family life. In the 1960s, liberals endorsed sexual promiscuity and no-fault divorce laws. In the 1970s, they endorsed widespread and unrestricted abortion.
While abortions on demand and the normalization of sexual deviancy may be favored by promiscuous purple-haired feminists, family women with children seem to not find such a political platform particularly appealing.
Indeed, it's hardly shocking that married women with families do not find allowing men who identify as women to use bathrooms with little girls to be their most pressing political concern — and may even find Democrats fixation on the issue repugnant.
That the Left promotes policies destructive of the traditional family is no accident. The traditional family is the central to a properly functioning free society and one of the greatest securities against the creeping totalitarianism of the bureaucratic, centralized states favored by the Left.
A society which is merely a sea of atomized individuals is also a society easy to control.
Well-meaning supporters of left-wing policies allegedly meant to help women would be wise to pay more attention to the words of those who first advanced those policies.
"We must aim at the abolition of the family, so that the sexist, male supremacist system can no longer be nurtured there," reads the 1971 manifesto of the Gay Liberation Front. Writing for FrontPage Mag in 2014, Mallory Millet, who witnessed the creation of the National Organization for Women, recalled the following incident:
We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:
"Why are we here today?" she asked.
"To make revolution," they answered.
"What kind of revolution?" she replied.
"The Cultural Revolution," they chanted.
"And how do we make Cultural Revolution?" she demanded.
"By destroying the American family!" they answered.
"How do we destroy the family?" she came back.
"By destroying the American Patriarch," they cried exuberantly.
"And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?" she replied.
"By taking away his power!"
"How do we do that?"
"By destroying monogamy!" they shouted.
Far from empowering women, the evidence suggests five decades of radical feminism have brought many women less happiness. A 2009 paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that by "many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men."
"The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries," the report said. But it is no paradox at all.
"The promises of feminism have fallen flat, as women have bought into a feminist mystique that has left them more alone and conflicted in their pursuit of fulfillment than ever before," wrote Nicole M. King, managing editor of The Family in America: A Journal of Public Policy.
The so-called feminist revolution promoted sexualization and materialism and encouraged women to deny the fulfilling role of motherhood. At the same time liberals policies have driven sky-high unemployment among young people, pushed a record number of men out of the workforce, kept wages stagnant and allowed the threat of terrorism to reach America's shores -- issues that effect women with children, husbands, jobs and families.

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