Tuesday, September 27, 2016


(TELEGRAPH) — Exorcists are in urgent demand as a result of a sharp rise in people dabbling in Satanism and the occult, experts from the Catholic Church in Italy and the U.S. said.
Speaking in tongues, levitating and vomiting nails may seem far-fetched to most people, but church experts insist there is a need to recruit more priests as exorcists in order to combat sorcery and black magic.
Valter Cascioli, a psychologist and scientific consultant to the International Association of Exorcists, which is endorsed by the Vatican, described as an “emergency” the lack of priests capable of fighting the forces of evil.
“The lack of exorcists is a real emergency. There is a pastoral emergency as a result of a significant increase in the number of diabolical possessions that exorcist priests are confronting,” he told La Stampa newspaper.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/09/surge-in-satanism-black-magic/#oZ7m8XooqgqJjO8z.99

My comments: As we approach the Revealing of the Antichrist, we can expect an ever greater Manifestation of the Demonic.

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