Friday, September 30, 2016


eptember 29, 2016
Smear -- lie -- assault Hillary -- worthless 'middle class' savior for America
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By Laurie Roth

Contrived and coached Hillary's game on the first debate was to appear collected and together, with apparently, way to much bright red lipstick, while throwing 'racist' bombs regarding old lawsuits against Trump. The old lawsuit she brought up was deceitfully used to paint him a racist. Never mind the lawsuit had gathered up many companies and Trump in his innocence ended up paying zero.

Hillary also tried to paint Trump as an unethical, non payer of business contacts, with one disgruntled former merchant sitting in the audience, hopefully to intimidate Trump. Trump couldn't possibly understand the needs of workers and business types if he didn't pay them – evil Trump. Once again, an assault without merit and taken completely out of a real context. Trump said his work was under dispute and not quality, thus less payment.

Then, Hillary went on regarding the 10s of thousands of jobs Trump has created with his various businesses, mocking most of these as entry level, non career type jobs. Hillary lie yet again.
The game with the first debate with Hillary was to make herself look like the 'fact checker' queen of all knowing and smear Trump with false and ancient assaults and making him out to be a man of tax secrets that must be exposed.

The game from Hillary, Holt and the leftist media was to get Trump mad and off center. Paint him as the bully who is unfair and disconnected with the American people.

We have 2 more debates that will also be largely tilted toward Hillary and the left. They always are.
No matter how smooth and coached Hillary seems and no matter how much of a put together politician you think she is...she is really a career liar, cheat, greedy and disconnected fraud who cares precious little about the middle class, military, gays, blacks, immigrants, Christians or economy. Hillary cares about two things...power and money.
Hillary's world view clashes at the core with Trumps. She gleefully talks of raising taxes and making corporations and big business pay way more. Everyone else will end up paying dramatically more taxes as well. This is due to all the freebies and billions of dollars of care for 'mystery' immigrants, more on Government assistance and expanded Obamacare.
Trump is planning much needed tax breaks for all kinds of businesses, small and large to draw them back to America and to employ citizens here. Hugs tax cuts, regulation cuts and ways for businesses to keep more profits will bring them back from over seas. He is 100% right on this.
Remember as you ponder who you are going to believe and vote for, especially you undecideds, Hillary has already revealed herself as a treasonous sell out and crook with her endless lies and cover ups about the thousands of emails that endangered and exposed classified information about America and her dealings. America knows our FBI sold out and looked the other way when they chose not to indict her for obvious crimes.

Finally, if Hillary's betrayals and vivid lack of leadership regarding Benghazi don't make you question her judgment and integrity, let her and Bill making hundreds of millions with their bogus pay to play foundation clinch the deal.
30 years of Hillary facts and career choices are blatantly clear and no matter how smooth, fact checked and empathetic she may seem to be, she has been a career liar, traitor, pretend Christian, and known Saul Alinsky fan. She operates from a socialist/communist worldview with a Muslim and gay cherry on top.

No matter how awkward the debates may seem, never forget the truth for America's sake.
© Laurie Roth

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