Sunday, September 18, 2016


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Pastor Mark Biltz explains importance of 'Day Timer' for the Almighty

You wouldn’t miss an appointment with your boss at work. So why would you miss an appointment with the Messiah?
Pastor Mark Biltz, the discoverer of the “Blood Moons” phenomenon, is back with a critical message for believers. God is trying to meet with you – but you are going to need to get on “God’s Day Timer.”
In a recent appearance on “Jewish Voices” with Jonathan Bernis, Biltz laid out the exciting hidden truths encoded in Scripture which have been overlooked by so many believers.
“I ask a lot of people if they believe in ‘divine appointments,’ and they all say yes,” Biltz said. “And I say, well, guess what, they’re scheduled! There’s actually divine appointments when we can meet with God. But it’s going to be on His time schedule, not ours. Too often we want to make God meet with us on our schedule rather than realizing we need to meet with Him on His.”
Biltz explains how in his new book and film, “God’s Day Timer: The Believer’s Guide To Divine Appointments.” The book is already a bestseller at, with the book, ebook, and audio versions of the title securing the #1, #3, and #6 spots in the category of “Messianic Judaism.”
Biltz has long advocated for Christians to adopt the biblical calendar, arguing God specifically designated days and feasts for His people to celebrate. He even said these feasts were the first reason given for why the moon and the sun were created.
“For example, in Genesis 1:14, it says God created the moon and the lights in the sky and it says He created them for particular reasons,” Biltz said. “It wasn’t light and heat, that’s not the first thing mentioned. The first one is signs and for seasons.”
The pastor said the tragic disconnect of Christians from the Hebrew roots of Scripture have led to many misinterpretations.
“The problem is the English language,” he said. “When we think of seasons, we think of the things like ‘fall.’ But the Hebrew word, Mo’edim actually means divine appointment… This is why you want to understand the Jewish roots of the Bible.”
Biltz observed the same word is translated as “season” in Genesis and “feast” in Leviticus?
“Does it mean fall or food?” he joked.
He noted the irony of Christians speculating about the timing of certain prophetic events when the Bible spells out clearly the purpose of these feast days or divine appointments.
“Not only were they divine appointments, they were called holy convocations,” he explained. “Now convocation means an assembly, like you could have a high school convocation. But the Hebrew word Miqra implies more than an assembly. It implies a dress rehearsal. And so what they [the Jewish people] would be doing every year is they would be going through the prophetic dress rehearsal of what was going to be happen 1,500 years later.”
According to Biltz, God planned out everything which was to come from the foundation of the world. Several of these Jewish feast days marked critical times during Christ’s life, notably His crucifixion during Passover. 
Biltz contends Christ’s Second Coming will thus center on other biblical feast days, or divine appointments.
“Remember in Revelation it says Yeshua [Jesus] was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world?” he asked rhetorically.
“That means God had it all planned out. It’s not as though God said, ‘Oh no, Jesus died and we have to go to plan B, the resurrection.’
“Each one of these divine appointments are dress rehearsals for what’s going to be coming.”
Both Biltz and Bernis are passionate about reconnecting Christians with the Jewish roots of their faith. And both said reconnecting with the Jewish roots of Christianity would go far in winning over Jews to belief in Jesus as Messiah.
“Do you remember Joseph?” Biltz asked, using a Biblical example to explain the concept. “His brothers came to Egypt, they didn’t recognize him. Why didn’t they recognize him? He looked Egyptian. He had an Egyptian name. He was dressed as an Egyptian. Well the church has been presenting an ‘Egyptian’ Jesus [to Jews] for 2,000 years!”
In an interview with WND, Biltz explained the importance of the next divine appointment on the biblical calendar, the “Feast of Trumpets” or Rosh Hashanah, which begins on the evening of October 2. 
It is the beginning of the Jewish New Year and is marked by the sounding of a shofar.
“Just as trumpets were sounded for the coronation of Jewish kings, the Feast of Trumpets is for the dress rehearsal of the day that will herald the coming of the Messiah as King of Kings!” Biltz enthused. 
“When it speaks of the last shofar sounding it is referring to the 100th blast of the shofar that happens every year on the Feast of Trumpets.”
God's Day Timer

Biltz says his own congregation at El Shaddai Ministries participates in the feast, as do many other messianic believers all around the globe.
“Every year thousands around the world, in every time zone, join us in blowing their shofar as it becomes Rosh Hashanah in their time zone.”
And Biltz says he hope the custom spreads, as it is way for Christians to show to more closely connect to God and hope for Jesus’s Second Coming.
“Believers in Yeshua as the Messiah should definitely observe the Feast as it is the dress rehearsal for His return! I ask people if they want to be at the coronation ceremony of the Yeshua as the Messiah and all declare, ‘Yes!’ So I continue with, ‘Then why wouldn’t you want to be at the dress rehearsal?’ The Bible states that the feasts are the shadows of what is coming!”
“I can’t help but remember in the Gospels where guests were personally invited to come to the wedding of the king’s son and they all stated they were too busy and made excuses. We show our desire to be there by meeting together on the very day of the event.”
While Biltz says no one can know what year it will take place, he contends the day will mark the beginning of the end times.
“I believe the tribulation will begin some year on the Feast of Trumpets at the beginning of the seven-year Shemitah cycle,” he said. “Some year, on this day, it is written in God’s day timer that the resurrection of the dead will take place!
“If the Lord is the same ‘yesterday, today and forever’ and fulfilled the spring feasts to the day of His first coming then He will fulfill the fall feasts to the day of His second coming! When you have the keys to open God’s Day Timer you will have the prophetic revelation of when events will happen.”

My comments: I agree with Biltz, the Second Coming of the Lord will be on a Feast Day. Every Christian should know that we are living in the Last of the Last Day of TIME, and that the Second Coming of Christ Jesus is Imminent! 

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