Friday, September 2, 2016


It is Appalling that after all Obama has demonstrated himself to be
And all he has done Against America as Founded,
That his Approval Rating could be so high.

His Approval Rating is an INDICTMENT of spiritual state of America.

Obama is the man who came to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM America
Into a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist STATE--
Into a TYRANNY of the same.

A man whose Policies and Actions demonstrate
That he HATES America as Founded and Under God.

Obama has demonstrated himself to be an Anti-Christ,
A man against God and His Word--
A Persecutor of the People of God.
David Barton has called Obama the most Biblically Hostile President ever
And gives a long list of Obama's actions
Demonstrating his Hostility toward the People of Faith.

Obama has proved himself to be an Islamist.
The following is what the Conservative Tribune wrote about him:

We’ve written extensively on Barack Obama’s war on Christianity, but these quotes show just how biased he is against Christian orthodoxy and how sympathetic he is towards Islam.
The Vatican has repeatedly called Obama out for his egregious record on religious liberty, going so far to say that he is waging war on “Christian civilization.”  Rev. Franklin Graham, son of renowned preacher Billy Graham, said that Obama and Holder have “turned their backs on God” by trying to force gay marriage on the entire country.
As you’ll see below, he speaks out of nothing but respect and reverence when it comes to Islam, but repeatedly attacks traditional Christian doctrines on the definition of marriage, sin, hell, and salvation.
We’ve written extensively on Barack Obama’s war on Christianity, but these quotes show just how biased he is against Christian orthodoxy and how sympathetic he is towards Islam.

The 40 Quotes from Obama
On Islam and Christianity:

Obama is the man who has Opened America's Southern Border 
And allowed the influx of innumerable immigrants to enter America Illegally
Taking the jobs of Americans.
People who have No Allegiance to America whatever.

Obama has brought to America innumerable Muslims
As so called “refugees”
Without the Consent of the Congress and the American People.

He has allowed other Muslims to come by Visas
And who have over-staid their Visas without consequence.
Muslims who are Islamic, the most Anti-Christ Religion on Earth;
Who have No Allegiance to America whatever,
And whose Religion, based on the Koran,
Has a goal of World Wide Domination.

Obama has made a Nuclear Deal with Iran
That insures that they become Nuclear in 10 years
And probably much sooner in that they never abide by any agreement.

He gave Iran $1.7 Billion to sign the Nuclear deal
Which Iran will use to promote Terrorism throughout the Mideast
And to Kill more Americans on the battle field.

He just Paid Iran $400 Million in Ransom to release four America prisoners
Against long standing US Policy against paying ransom.

Obama has continually sought 
To Surrender America Sovereignty to the UN.
He is currently about to Surrender the INTERNET
To the Dictatorial Nations of the UN,
Which will Ultimately result in he Repression of Free Speech.

He has made a Global Warming Agreement with the UN
That is in reality a Wealth Redistribution Measure of the Globalists;
An Agreement that will give American Wealth to Third World Nations.

Obama has overseen the Weakest Recovery from a Recession on record.
The Middle Class of America is being dissolved for lack of jobs and wages.

Obama has refused to support Police
And Fueled Racial Riots in major America cities by his rhetoric.
Afterward he has attempted to take Control of Police Departments across the Country through his Department of Injustice.

Obama's Anti-Americanism, Anti-Christ-ism
Has been on Display since he took office.
Why then does he have a 54% Approval Rating?
Realize that the American Public is approving of an Anti-Christ;
Someone who could be THE ANTICHRIST of Scripture.

REALIZE, THEN, how easily the Actual ANTICHRIST will come to Power
And how easily the Whole World will worship him and receive his “mark,”
In accordance with Revelation 13.

Be always on the Watch,
And pray that you will be able to Escape All that is about to happen,
And that you may be able TO STAND before the Son of Man.
(Luke 21:36)

Today, the World is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion. (Psalm 2)
This World in it's Present Form is Passing Away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being Ground to Powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as in Heaven!

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