Friday, September 16, 2016


America has become a Tyranny of godlessness.

Today in America there is a War Against God and His Word.
The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists
Have Established their Religion as the Religion of STATE.

So called "Civil Rights" are a major Tenet of this Religion:
That everyone has a "Right" to do what is Right in their own eyes
As long as the STATE approves.

In this Religion the STATE becomes "god."
And No One, including God Almighty and His Word,
Can interfere with the Individual "Rights," established by the STATE,
For everyone to do as they Please, as long as the STATE approves.

And No One can refuse Not to accept these "Rights" on any basis--
Not on the basis of Conscience or Faith in God's Word.

If the STATE has approves of the conduct, and has turned it into Law,
Everyone must accept the conduct.
The STATE becomes a TYRANNY of godlessness, before the Living God--
Worse than the Tyranny that the Revolutionary War was Fought over.
Even the King of England believe that God was Sovereign
And His Word the only moral Standard.

Abortion Murders a Civil Right, protected by Law.
Homosexuality is a Civil Right, protected by Law.
Same-Sex Marriage is a Civil Right, protected by Law.
Transgenderism is a Civil Right, protected by Law.

These are Government Sanctioned Sins against God and His Word;
And Worse, it leads to the Persecution of Christians,
Who Refuse to Comply, which is the Persecution of Christ Jesus Himself.
(Acts 9:4)

Since the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists are their own “gods,”
Doing whatever is Right in their own eyes,
The Word of God is a HATEFUL thing,
Because it tells them that what they do is Evil. (John 7:7)

Every Christian should understand that America has No Future
As long as America Violates God's Law.
In fact the Violation of God's Law puts America under a Curse.
(Deuteronomy 28)

The Adherents the godless, Socialist Secular Humanist Religion;
Obama, Hillary, the Democrats and the like,
Are among the most Evil people to ever live.
They are taking an Entire Nation to Hell!

A Nation that had a God Centered Conception,
Which was embodied in her Constitution
By God Fearing men and women.

The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists have TRANSFORMED America
Into a godless STATE, against God and His Word,
And for this reason America has No Future.

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