Monday, August 1, 2016




Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks, 'Do you really want them to run the country for 4 more years?'

Whoops! They “forgot” American flags.
Next thing you know, flags appear inside the Democratic Party convention and those atop the Philadelphia City Hall disappear.
There was a moment of silence for police officers around the country who have been assassinated following overheated, Black Lives Matter rhetoric.
But the moment of silence was broken by heckling and a shout of, you guessed it, “Black Lives Matter!”
That very night, another police officer in San Diego was shot and killed and another wounded.
Various Democrat speakers completely misrepresented Donald Trump’s position on immigration and the “refugee” program that offers preferential treatment to unscreened Sunni Muslims from countries ravaged by terrorism and religious war.
Hillary Clinton herself, in her closing acceptance speech, implied her opponent would ban the practice of Islam in the U.S.
“We will not ban a religion,” she said.
Trump never proposed banning Islam in the U.S. He first proposed a freeze on the entry of all foreign Muslims into the U.S. More recently, he said he’d stop immigration from any country compromised by terrorism, or impose “extreme vetting” on people coming from places with a history of terrorism.
Does this kind of heated, false and hyperbolic partisan talk make America safer? Aren’t we told by Democrats that avoiding the very use of the term “Islamic terrorism” serves to mollify jihadism? If so, then why enflame it using falsehoods and caricatures simply to score cheap political points?
For the first two days of the convention, no speaker mentioned ISIS or the deadly terrorist attacks that have hit Europe and the U.S. this year. Finally, when one did, he got heckled, and a chant of “No More War” filled the convention hall.
When Clinton finally got around to her strategy for defeating ISIS, she might as well have said she would simply do what Barack Obama has been doing. She proposed nothing new – a strategy that FBI Director James Comey warned earlier in the week would predictably result in worse terror attacks in Europe and the U.S.
What the Democrat convention offered the American people was a continuation of the last eight years – no sealing of the borders, no deportations of illegal aliens, no enforcement of immigration laws inside the country, no change in policy toward ISIS and the virus of Islamic terrorism, more tax increases, more redistribution of wealth, more racial fearmongering, more federalization of power, less individual liberty, more gun grabs.
Hillary, meanwhile, was portrayed as a woman with a passion for better lives for children, especially those with health problems and disabilities.
How does that claim measure up against her unyielding position on the most vulnerable children of all – those who are yet unborn?
Her position is extreme on abortion – no regulation, no exceptions, no restrictions, no health warnings, no ultrasounds. Abortion is simply a matter of “choice” to Hillary. If you want it, you get it.
But why does “choice” end the minute that baby emerges from the womb? Or does it? Some abortion zealots believe it shouldn’t. Obama pushed legislation that would stop medical personnel from saving the lives of babies who survive abortion procedures outside the womb. Has anyone asked Hillary her position on whether children who survive abortion should be denied life-saving care?
And why do we hear so much about Hillary’s concerns for children born with disabilities? What about those discovered to have disabilities before they are born?
Why is it the right call to abort a baby with even a minor disability, but a scandalous decision not to care properly for a child who makes it out of the womb alive?
Before this convention even got started, the Democratic National Committee had been exposed for rigging the process to anoint Hillary as the nominee, no matter what.
It did so with plans to attack the alternative candidate’s Jewish heritage and his flirtation with atheism.
It did so by awarding her delegates disproportionately to the actual vote counts she received.
It did so covertly, behind closed doors, and was only discovered when DNC emails were leaked, forcing the resignation of the chairman – who was quickly hired by the Hillary campaign.
This was how the Democrats ran their nominating process.
Do you really want them to run the country for four more years?

My comments: If the American Electorate Elects Hillary, it will demonstrate that it is just as Criminal as Hillary. 

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