Thursday, August 11, 2016


Today, the Primary reason the Democrat Party exists
Is to be Against God and His Word.
It has become a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist, Religious Cult.
It has positions in Influence in every aspect of American Society
And it Controls most of American Society,
Including the Government, the Media, Corporate America, American Unions,
Education, the Apostate Church and on and on.

Obama came to TRANSFORM America
Into a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist (GSSH) STATE.
The reality is that is Transformation has been coming
Step by Step for Decades as America Abandoned God and His Word.
What Unites Democrats and all the GSSH?
It is their HATRED of God and His Word.

What do the GSSH stand for?

Abortion Murder
Promotion of Homosexuality as normal human behavior
Promotion of Same-Sex Marriage
Promotion of Transgenderism
Spending America into Oblivion
Submission of US Sovereignty to the UN
And ultimately, the One World Government of Satan.
A Constitution that is whatever they want it to be.
The integration of Anti-Christ Islam into American Society.
The Solution, as if one were needed, to so called, Climate Change,
As if God Almighty were not in Charge of His Creation.

The GSSH stand for everything that is Opposed to God and His Word.

The GSSH stand for the Opposite of the Values America was Founded upon.
Those who first came to America were seeking a place
Where they could worship God
According to the Word of God and their Conscience.
America was Founded by those who had a Fear and Love for God and His Word;
Who understood, that God, as Creator, is Sovereign over His Creation,
That any Blessings that America received were from God.

The GSSH refuse to understand that America was made Great by God Almighty
For His own Plan and Purposes and not by the initiative of man.

They worship technology and the technical achievements of man
Which in the End are Irrelevant to the disposition of man before the Living God.
This life God has given us has but one Purpose,
And that is to determine who will love God
With all their heart, mind, soul and strength and who will Not;
Who will love God Who is Love.
There is No Other Purpose.

This life will determine where everyone will Spend Eternity.
Those who love God and His Word will Spend Eternity in Heaven
Those who Refuse to love God will Spend Eternity in Hell with Satan.

Scripture tells us that the Wold World is under the Control of Satan
[1 John 5:19];
He is the “god” of this Age:
The god of this Age has Blinded the minds of Unbelievers,
So that they cannot see the Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ,
Who is the Image of God.
(2 Corinthians 4:4)

The GSSH are Blind people leading Blind people.

What happens to these Blind people?
In the End they all worship the son of Satan,
The Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist. (Revelation 13)
The apostle Paul describes the prelude to this:

The man of Lawlessness (Sin) is Revealed,
Who is the son of Doom (of perdition), [1 Tim. 4;1; Dan. 7:25; 8:25.]
Who Opposes and Exalts himself so Proudly and Insolently
Over All that is called God or that is worshiped,
[Even to his actually] taking his seat in the Temple of God.
[Dan. 11;36,37; Ezek 28:2.]
(2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4, AMP)

The coming [of the Lawless One, the Antichrist]
Is through the activity and working of Satan,
And will be attended by Great Power
And with All Sorts of [pretended] Miracles and Signs and Delusive Marvels--
[All of them] Lying Wonders--

And by Unlimited Seduction to Evil
And with All Wicked Deception for those who are (going to perdition,)
PERISHING because they did not Welcome the TRUTH
But Refused to Love it that they might be Saved.

Therefore God sends upon them a Misleading Influence, a working of Error
And a Strong Delusion to make them believe what is False,

In order that All may be Judged and Condemned who did not Believe--
Who refused to, Trust in and Rely on—THE TRUTH,
But [instead] took Pleasure in Unrighteousness.
(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, AMP)

Who are the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists?
They are among those who take Pleasure in Unrighteousness.

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