Wednesday, August 3, 2016


A "Satanic Temple" group is petitioning public schools for equal access to facilities which allow Christian clubs to meet after school.

Liberty Counsel has offered pro bono legal counsel to the schools targeted by this disruptive group. Please see my important message below – Mat.

An atheist group masquerading as a so-called "Satanic Temple" recently made news when it stated that it planned to petition school officials to allow its "After School Satan Club" on campus after school beginning with the upcoming academic year.
The group intends to target public schools in districts where Christian-based Good News Clubs meet after school.
Good News Clubs, which are sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), are for children ages 5-12 and teach morals and character development from a Christian viewpoint. Public schools welcome these clubs because they improve the behavior of the students and are a service to the community. The clubs require parental permission for children to attend.

+ + The "Satanic Temple" group is actually a handful of atheists masquerading as so-called Satanists.

This group is not legitimate. Its only reason to exist is to oppose the Good News Clubs. The head of The Satanic Temple, Lucien Greaves, told the Washington Post, "If Good News Clubs would operate in churches rather than public schools, that need would disappear."

Schools do not have to tolerate groups that disrupt the school and target other legitimate clubs. If it gains approval to meet, the Satanic Temple group will require a signed parental­ permission slip to attend like any other group. No sane parents would consent to allow their child to attend this group.
Liberty Counsel has offered pro bono legal counsel to schools targeted by this disruptive group.

+ + We defend the rights of our kids! 

Liberty Counsel represents CEF nationwide. In spite of numerous challenges by secularist organizations seeking to censor or eliminate the club in public schools, our legal team has never lost a CEF case. In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Good News Clubs have a First Amendment right to meet on campus after school.

As with any client, we do not charge CEF for representation. Our defense of CEF only happens because you help make it happen. Without you, Good News Clubs, and all Christian youth organizations meeting in public facilities could face discriminatory practices, as school systems often unwisely choose to surrender to aggressive secularist groups. 
Please consider a special gift today to help us defend the rights of children and to stand against those who, left unchecked, would drive godly organizations out of public service.

Click here or on the banner below to give a tax-deductible gift of any amount:

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The values of Good News Clubs and its positive impact on today's kids are vital.

These cases may not be the highest profile of our litigation efforts, but our legal representation is no less important - especially considering that organizations like the Good News Clubs are dedicated to molding the character of the next generation! 
Please help us today with a special gift of any amount.
God bless you as you help overcome this misguided attack on religious freedom!

Mathew D. Staver,
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. These days, hundreds of legal cases on issues of religious freedom, freedom of speech, and equal access emerge from public schools every year. Defending the rights of our kids in public schools is among Liberty Counsel's most active litigation efforts. Your support is vital to our ongoing legal work on behalf of Christian organizations and kids all across our nation.
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 407-875-1776

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