Sunday, August 7, 2016




Exclusive: Curtis Ellis offers more realistic look at recently released employment report

The July jobs report shows the Obama-Clinton economy fails to produce jobs that can support a middle-class society.
This is a long-term trend that began with the mass offshoring of our industries with the Clintons’ NAFTA and open door to China policies and has continued through the Obama years.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the economy added 217,000 private-sector jobs in July.
But we need to cut through the happy talk and look at what kinds of jobs were added.
Underneath the top line number we see that a bulk of jobs are low-paid jobs in domestic services, such as retail and restaurants, jobs that can’t provide for a family, pay for a home and save for a child’s college education.
It’s also important to note the report does not distinguish between full-time and part-time jobs.
We see few jobs producing the goods Americans consume or would export to the world to reduce the exploding trade deficit.
You can blame globalist policies that have offshored U.S. industries and brought in lower-paid foreigners on work visas.
The report tells us the economy added 45,000 jobs in restaurants, hotels and amusement parks in July.
Retailers added 14,000 jobs.
These jobs can supplement an income or, as entry-level jobs, impart an important work ethic, but they won’t support a family.
That may be one reason why we have the lowest home ownership rate in 51 years and only 200 jobs were added in home construction though we are in the peak of the summer construction season.
The nation added only 9,000 manufacturing jobs – the key to the middle class for past generations of Americans – in July.
We lost nearly 3,000 jobs manufacturing computers and microchips the so-called New Economy relies on.
Mining, logging and oil and gas lost 7,000 jobs.
As for those “Information Age” jobs Bill Clinton touted as the “New Economy jobs of the future,” the economy added ZERO jobs in this sector in July.
In July, America added 48,000 jobs in “health care and social assistance.” Seventy thousand jobs were added in professional and business services such as temp agencies, accounting and bookkeeping. Most of these are non-tradable services that do nothing to reduce our ballooning trade deficit with the rest of the world.
And there’s no guarantee the jobs being created are going to Americans rather than illegal immigrants.
Research from the Pew Charitable Trusts reveals many of the industries adding jobs, such as restaurants, construction and services, are more likely to hire immigrants. The New Economy information sector is also likely to employ immigrants, thanks to Silicon Valley importing low-paid workers on work visas.
The percentage of total jobs in the manufacturing sector hit a new all-time low last month. There are 3.4 million fewer manufacturing jobs than December 2001 when China joined the World Trade Organization, and 4.5 million fewer manufacturing jobs than when NAFTA went into effect in January 1994.
Bottom line: The July jobs report continues a troubling long-term trend: the failure to produce better-paying jobs, particularly in the goods-producing industries that can reduce our trade deficit.
Many of the jobs that are being created are more likely to be filled by illegal immigrants.
The offshoring of good-paying American jobs and the replacement of American workers at home with lower-paid foreign labor, whether illegal or on work visas, has destroyed upward mobility, consumer purchasing power and the tax base of state, local and federal governments.
It’s also destroyed the middle class that was once the envy of the world and is responsible for the weakest economic recovery since 1949.
When we count the millions of Americans who’ve given up looking for work or are forced to take a part-time job but want full-time work, the real unemployment rate rose to 9.7 percent.
This is far higher than the 4.9 percent rate touted by the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration and their mouthpieces in the media.
The country’s labor force participation rate is still 62.8 percent, the lowest since the 1970s.
The number of Americans who are unemployed, underemployed and given up looking for work has increased in July to 15.66 million.
It is only through policies that put America First that we will put America back to work and Make America Great Again.

My comments: America is a Nation in Overt Disobedience to God and His Word and is therefore under the CURSE of Deuteronomy 28.

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