Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Obama Calls Trump Unfit for Office, Suggests He Won't Accept His Election

RUSH: You know, I chuckle at the president. The president's out there, he's doing a joint press conference today with the head honcho in Singapore. 
You know this has to be planned, and even if it wasn't planned, it was gonna happen.  Obama is using the occasion of this to bash Trump out the wazoo.  One of the questions he got was about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because that's one of the reasons for the press conference was Singapore head honcho would benefit from this, and Obama -- attempting to give that trade deal credibility -- said, "Hey, you know what? I'm president; I'm for it." 
Now, this is after he has just unloaded on Trump as indecent, as unfit, as incompetent, as dangerous.  Do you know what I watched on CNN today?  They were promoting... I don't know if it actually happened. They were promoting an upcoming roundtable between Bloomberg people and others on the question of whether Donald Trump is actually insane.  They were actually gonna have a roundtable on Trump's state of mind, whether he's sane or not! They used the word "insanity." I saw it in the graphic. 
So if people have been watching CNN in the morning, they see Obama come out and he starts going on and on and on about how Trump is unfit and he's not got the right temperament and he's unqualified, and he also said, "How can you Republicans continue to support this guy?  How can you possibly do it?"  And then to explain the lackadaisical, lackluster economy, Obama said, "Hey, you know what?  I can't help it! It's a global economy.  I really can't." 
So, we got a guy making an excuse for not being able to do something.  He didn't say in eight years he wasn't gonna be able to fix the economy 'cause it's global.  What he means is, "Hey, it's so big, it's global! Our economy is just a drop in the bucket compared to the global economy.  I can't control the global economy -- and if I can't control the global economy, I can't control the US economy." Wait a minute.  Eight years ago, the sea levels were gonna come down.
The planet was going to heal. There was gonna be love and utopia everywhere.  And, of course, none of what Obama projected -- none of what he promised -- none of the pictures he painted have come anywhere near being true.  And we have to hear how Donald Trump is unfit? After this bunch takes policies that puts weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, Fast and Furious. After this bunch irresponsibly... Whatever they were doing in Benghazi blew up and four Americans died, and then they lied about why and continue to.
Now they are embarking on a campaign to sully and destroy the reputations of the surviving parents of those four, and we have to hear how Trump is unfit? We have to hear how Trump is not suitable? We have to hear how Trump is not stable or what have you? And now we have all of a sudden, the reason why our economy is growing at barely 1%, "Well, I can't help it. It's a global economy."  Wait a minute.  You were gonna control everything! You were gonna fix everything. 
Just your presence in Washington was gonna make the rest of the world bow down and agree to whatever demands or requests that you made.  What happened to all of that?  Where are the objective standards of measurement and analysis of Obama's presidency?  They don't exist.  As far as the Drive-Bys are concerned, he sounds like he's a Harvard-educated guy. He has intellectualspeak down pat. So that's all you need!
"He's smart, whatever he does. Doesn't matter how bad, doesn't matter how wrong, he's smart, and that's all we care about.  And Trump? Why, Trump's bordering on insane! Trump's uncontrollable. He's unpredictable. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's unsuitable, he's unfit, he's ill tempered." So this is where we are.  The incumbents are making flimsy excuses for their failures while being covered by the Drive-By Media and having failures converted into success stories, all the while -- and, by the way, not complaining, 'cause everybody knew this was going to happen.

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