Saturday, August 6, 2016





Unleashes millions of supporters on school board to stop homosexual agenda

Bob Unruh

Christian faith leader Franklin Graham, chief of the Samaritan’s Purse aid organization, on Friday asked his supporters – and there are millions of them – to contact members of the school board in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg district in North Carolina.

They have adopted the use of a “Gender Unicorn” to “brainwash” children into accepting that homosexuality and transgender behavior is all right, he said.
This is just the latest chapter in the developing war over just that activity – imposing a homosexual agenda and belief system on public schools in America. 
It had been advancing on several fronts for years before earlier this year when President Obama abruptly ordered public schools to let girls into boys’ rooms and boys into girls’ showers – depending only on whatever gender they claimed to be.
The mandate was supposed to have come from federal nondiscrimination law that banned discrimination against girls based on their sex. It presumes that Congress, when it adopted that law decades ago, intended for boys and girls to be showering alongside each other in public schools.
There have been multiple lawsuits over the issue, and the U.S. Supreme Court just this week agreed to review one of the disputes, ordering the status quo – meaning boys in boys’ rooms and girls in girls’ rooms – be maintained for now.
Persecution is coming. Are you and your family ready? How can you take a stand for your faith? “Be Thou Prepared” by Carl Gallups, available now in the WND Superstore.
WND also reported just this week that Pastor Carl Gallups, author of “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble,” is offering a “Notice of Compliance Letter” to be used by parents to protect their non-transgendered children. It has been downloaded thousands of times already.
He pointed out that Obama’s own instruction to schools was that they have “a responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, including transgender students.”
Furthermore, “harassment that targets a student based on gender identity, transgender status, or gender transition is harassment based on sex, and the departments enforce Title IX accordingly,” the Obama administration said.
Gallups points out that parents of non-transgender students can demand the same protections for their students. And he says they should.
On Facebook, Graham wrote. “The Gender Unicorn? Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina wants to try to brainwash our children into accepting that homsosexuality and transgender behavior is okay – and their using an innocent looking Gender Unicorn to do it.
“Parents, watch out. They are using this unicorn to grab the imagination of children and make this seem acceptable. Their new school policy, set to go into effect August 29, says staff shouldn’t use the terms ‘girls’ and ‘boys,’ but should use ‘scholars’ or ‘students.’ It says that the school will work with students to determine when parents should be involved and that the staff can’t tell parents what their [child’s] gender identity is without the student’s permission.
“Parents should be enraged and so should we,” Graham wrote.
“The Communists used brainwashing in Eastern Europe and Russia, and they took the parents out of the decision-making process and the state began to make decisions about morality. This is a dangerous path,” Graham wrote.
“Check out the link below – everyone should be aware of what’s going on. You can be sure that these battles are being fought in your community as well, and if not, they’re just around the corner. Be praying for the August 9 Charlotte school board meeting, and if you live in Mecklenburg County make it a priority to attend.
“Every school board members’ email address is in the link – you need to contact them and let them know how outrageous this is,” he wrote.
Linked in his post was a page of the Keep NCSafe campaign, which highlighted the schools training presentation on homosexuality.
It lists gender identity, offering children the option of “other.” The same option is available for “gender expression” and “sex assigned at birth.”
The campaign states, “Meet the gender unicorn. This was included in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools training presentation on handling transgender issues under the new CMS policy that goes into effect on August 29th. It’s startling that the school district feels they have sovereignty to directly disobey state statute as outlined in HB2, but some of the stuff in here is shocking.”
For example, whether parents are involved, or are even told, of what the student is doing at school is dependent on what the student wants.
Further, they can choose their changing rooms as will.
Said the campaign, “It’s a serious offense for Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools to openly ignore and violate state statute and the common-sense safety and privacy protections HB2 affords children. But it’s a whole other level to guide teachers on keeping parents in the dark, and allowing students to choose which dressing room they use, or which gender they’ll stay with at overnight field trips.”
Persecution is coming. Are you and your family ready? How can you take a stand for your faith? “Be Thou Prepared” by Carl Gallups, available now in the WND Superstore.

My comments: Praise God for people like Franklin Graham and their refusal to accept the Indecency and Immorality of Obama, his Administration, and all the so called "educators" that will go along with this ATTACK on God and His Word. America is already under the CURSE of God Almighty because of Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage and now the godless want to take their godlessness further. Understand that the godless are Ruthless and Relentless and there is No Stopping Point for them. They will take the Nation to the same Point that Sodom and Gomorrah were before God's Judgement.

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