Friday, July 15, 2016





On eve of VP reveal, vows to reverse damage of 'the great divider'

A frequent guest of “The Savage Nation,” presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump returned to the popular radio show Thursday after a hiatus just as news broke that he is expected to announce Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice presidential nominee.

Trump said he had not made a “final, final” decision yet but would likely make it Thursday and will announce it Friday at about 11 a.m. at the Trump Tower in Manhattan.
Savage said he hoped Trump will choose Pence as his VP.
“Mr. Pence is new, he’s fresh, he has a wonderful background and a wonderful family,” Savage said. “He’s not burdened with any baggage. And I think he’s going to make a fabulous vice president and, also, really, I think, make the team 100 percent stronger.”
Trump responded: “Well, he’s a great guy, and they’re all good, and many more beyond the three that you’re talking about.
“We had some incredible people. And, you know, I haven’t made that final, final decision, but I’ll be announcing it tomorrow at 11, and you’ll be listening.”
The wide-ranging interview touched on race relations, with Trump calling Obama “the great divider.”
“I will be a cheerleader for this country,” Trump said, “because right now our country has absolutely no spirit.”
Savage noted that some of his listeners had been worried that Trump’s absence on the radio show meant the candidate was “moving to the center” and were relieved that he was returning as a guest.
The talk host pointed out that Trump affirmed as recently as Wednesday that he still planned to press for building a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.
“A hundred percent,” Trump said. “It’s still very popular.”
He said the border wall is in the proposed Republican National Committee platform, which is being prepared now in Cleveland for a vote Tuesday.
“It’s one of the things I’m very proud of,” Trump said.
“We did something else for the evangelicals which is gonna be fantastic,” he said. “We’re gonna get rid of this Johnson change that was made years ago.”
He was referring to the amendment by Sen. Lyndon Johnson in 1954 that prohibits tax-exempt organizations, such as churches, from endorsing or opposing political candidates.
Trump assured Savage that his absence from the show doesn’t signify any change in the relationship or in his political positions.
“You’ve been so amazing to me, Michael, of course I would be back,” he said. “I never heard anything otherwise – I would have called you five different times already.”
‘I am the law and order candidate’
Savage, noting the recent rise in racial tensions that has exacerbated the nation’s troubles, said America is in “such dangerous waters,” that many are saying, “Unless you win, many of us are afraid the country is over.”
“Well, Michael, I am the law and order candidate, and I have a big heart. Believe me. I treat people fairly,” Trump said.
“Our people (law enforcement officers) are being treated absolutely terribly. You look at what’s going on, and they’ll take a bad incident, or two bad incidents or three, but they don’t show the millions of incredible things that take place over the course of the year,” he said.
Trump, referring to the police shootings of black men in Minnesota and Louisiana, said, “I didn’t like those two events, and you didn’t like them either, Michael.”
“With that being said, our police are incredible people; they do an incredible job; they don’t get credit for the job they do, and we have to have law and order,” Trump said. “And I am the law and order candidate.”
Savage asked Trump how he knew of Savage’s response to the shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana.
“I heard you say it. I heard you say it on the show,” Trump said.
“I do listen to your show,” he continued. “A lot of people listen to your show. I don’t even know if you know how many people.
So many people come up and they say, ‘Michael Savage loves you.’ I say, ‘Wow, that’s good news. I think that’s true.'”
Savage, mentioning that he will enter the National Radio Hall of Fame in November, asked Trump if he would accept his invitation to do the induction.
WND reported earlier this week that Savage will be inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame on Nov. 17 at a ceremony in Chicago in the category of Spoken Word On-Air Personality.
“I don’t know, Michael,” Trump said, “but if I could, or if could in some way be a part of it, I would be honored to. You are doing a great job, and you have been loyal to be from the beginning, and I appreciate it.”
‘Even my people’ try to keep me PC
Asked about other planks of the Republican platform, Trump said that along with a strong border, it calls for a strong military and being strong on trade, meaning “making great deals for this country.”
“We don’t make great deals for our country on anything,” he said.
Regarding the illegal immigration, Trump pointed out the Border Patrol agents union has endorsed him – a first for a presidential candidate – along with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpiao of Arizona.
Savage said Obama not only has been flooding America with immigrants but also with diseases, bringing back diseases such as tuberculosis that were once almost wiped out.
A revamping of the Centers for Disease Control is needed, Savage said, removing the “political hacks,” who are no longer independent scientists.
Savage, who has a Ph.D. in epidemiology and nutrition from Cal Berkeley, said that if Trump is elected, he would offer his services for $1 a year.
“It’s a disaster to bring in diseased immigrants,” Savage said. “Don’t you agree?”
Trump responded: “That’s what’s happening, and people don’t like talking about it, and certainly it’s not politically correct to talk about it.
“And that’s why they don’t do it. Because everything they do today has to do with political correctness. If something’s a little bit off – just a little bit – they say, ‘Oh, please don’t mention that.’
“Even my people tell me don’t mention that,” Trump said. “But I just decide to mention things anyway, even though I know it’s going to end up being a firestorm.
“But many people are pouring into this country, and in many cases they are not well people, in many respects.”
Savage noted that when his grandfather came to the U.S, from Russia as an immigrant, he was put in quarantine.
“No sane society on earth has never done this,” Savage said of the current lax policy.
‘I will be a cheerleader’
Moving on to race relations, Savage said “even liberals are frightened right now about what he is doing.”
He asked Trump how he can fix what Obama has destroyed.
“So, he’s the great divider, and I had hoped that when he got in – I had no great feeling that he was going to be a great president – but I did have a feeling he would be a cheerleader for the country, and he would be somebody that could bring the people together, perhaps,” Trump said.
“And, unfortunately, that didn’t work out,” he said.
“He’s turned out to be far worse than anybody understands in terms of division. He’s the great divider.”
Trump said America needs jobs, and “we’re going to bring back jobs from other countries.”
“I will be a cheerleader for this country,” he said, “because right now our country has absolutely no spirit.
“You see what’s going on right now in our cities, with the crime and the problems, and the horrible situations you see are occurring … really over the last two weeks,” Trump said.
“But we will bring back spirit, and I will be a great cheerleader, among other things, for our country.”
Hillary’s greatest accomplishment
Savage said Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, however, would the divide nation as president, “carrying forward Obama’s identity politics.”
Trump agreed.
“What she got away with, with her emails, I think it may be her greatest accomplishment, if you want to know the truth,” he said.
“She was proven to be a liar, and the director of the FBI said she was a liar, and nothing happened. I think it’s absolutely incredible.”
Trump again expressed appreciation for Savage’s support.
“If I can help you with your induction, if I can, I will do it, in one form or the other,” he said.
Savage urged Trump: “Keep fighting. Don’t let them move away your points. In my opinion, it’s what got you there that will get you there.”
Trump replied: “I appreciate that, Michael, and I will. We will be fighting right to the end, and hopefully will win.
“And you know the expression, make America great again, that’s what we’re going to do.”

My comments: Savage is right, if Trump does not win, America as Founded is OVER! 

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