Saturday, July 30, 2016


Trump Rally Closes In Prayer Asking Him To Stand Firm Against Satan

After repeatedly claiming that pastors are forbidden by law to speak about politics, Donald Trump had a pastor in the audience of his Roanoke, Virginia, rally today close out the event in prayer. The pastor, who did not give his name, called on God to help Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, to fight the spiritual forces of Satan and save freedom in America:
Lord, we thank you so much for what these men represent in this country. We thank you that your hand is upon them and they are called up and raised up for this time. We are asking right now that they will be able to stand firm against the viles [sic] of the enemy, against Satan; we live in a supernatural world. Look at this ball we’re on. We’re held down by gravity. Two inches closer to the sun, we’d all burn, two inches further away, we’d all freeze. So we just ask right now, God, that we’ll humble ourselves and realize that we are created and we need your help and your support to make them the vessels that they need to be to stand up for freedom, the freedom that you authored in our Constitution.
Trump then promised to appoint Supreme Court justices from his recently released list of conservative jurists, warning that “if you put the wrong people” on the court, “you’re back to Venezuela.”

My comments: "We know that we are children of God, and that the Whole World is under the control of the Evil One." (1 John 5:19)

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