Saturday, July 16, 2016


In all that exists there is One Life, God Who is a Spirit.
All other life Emanates from this One Life, this One Spirit [John 4:24].

Before anything existed at all, there was God, the Spirit.

The material world was spoken into existence by this One Life
By God, the Spirit, from what could not be seen:

By Faith we understand that the Universe [all that exists]
Was Formed at God's Command,
So that what is seen was not made out of what was Visible.
(Hebrews 11:3)

The Invisible God created all that can be seen
From that which could not be seen.

God Created the material World and every person
For His Plan and Purposes;
To Obtain a People who would Agree with Him,
Who would worship Him in Spirit and in Truth [John 4:24];
God Who is the Spirit and the Truth.
Outside of God there is no Truth.

All that man calls truth will one day Disappear and be no more,
All that will Remain will be the Kingdom of God,
The Realm of God, which existed before Creation
And is Eternal, as God is Eternal.

With God will be those who Agreed with Him;
Who received His Life, His Spirit which is the Spirit of Life;
Who chose to allow God, the Spirit, to live In and Through them.
Giving up what is called life in the natural World
For the Life that is out of this World;
Not of this World, but of the Realm of God, the Kingdom of God.

Heaven and Earth are going to Disappear.
They were created for only One Purpose;
To proving the Proving Ground for Faith;
To determine who would choose God and His Life;
Who would receive Him
As the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life.

When that Purpose is finished, Heaven and Earth will Disappear.
The Gift of God is His Spirit
That He gives to live within a person.
It is Christ in a person, the Hope of Glory or Heaven.
(Colossians 1:27)
There is no other Hope.

Without this Gift, no one has Life.
They remain Dead to Life [Luke 9:60];
All they have is a natural life that will soon be over
And then an eternal life in Hell.

The Gift of God is only given to those who Seek Him,
And All who Seek Him, find Him,
When the Seek Him with all their heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

God Almighty says this:
I love those who love Me
[The Way and the Truth and the Life]
And those who Seek Me find Me.
(Proverbs 8:17)

If a person loves God's Way, His Truth and His Life,
They Find Him—They find Christ Jesus;
Who is the Author and the Finisher of Faith in God [Heb. 12:2].

No one comes to God but that God first draws him.
Christ Jesus said:
'No one comes to Me unless the Father Who sent Me draws him.'
(John 6:44)

So, the Father, the Spirit is the Evangelist.
And every person has the opportunity to say Yes or No to His drawing.
God the Spirit Sows the Seed, the Word of God
And every person determines what they do with that Seed.

Some people allow the Seed to be immediately snatched away by Satan;
Some people provide no Root for the Seed
And when Trouble and Persecution come they Fall Away;
Some people allow the Worries of this life and the Deceitfulness of wealth
To Choke out the Seed, making it Unfruitful;
But some people Embrace the Seed and understand it
And go forth and produce a crop yielding many times what was sown.

God made this World as it is,
Under the Control of the Evil One [1 John 5:19],
To be Overcome.
The TEST of Faith is whether or not
A person Overcomes this wicked World Ruled by Satan.

Those who Overcome, do so by the blood of the Lamb,
[The forgiveness of Sin purchased by Christ Jesus]
And the word of their Testimony,
Not loving this natural life so much as to Shrink from Death.
(Revelation 12:11)

Only by Christ living In and Through a person
Can they Overcome Satan;
As only Christ is stronger than Satan;
Greater is Christ living In and Through you
Than he, Satan, who is in the World.
(1 John 4:4)

It is the Gift of God, the Gift of God Himself,
Christ living In and Through us,
That enables us to Overcome this World and Satan who Rules it.

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