Thursday, July 14, 2016


The election to terrify us all
 - The Washington Times - Monday, July 11, 2016
This might be remembered as the year when they gave an election and nobody came. The millions stayed home, the champagne went uncorked, and everybody lived in semi-misery ever after.
Partisans for neither party will defend their candidate. Hillary Clinton’s supporters, except for the yellow-dog Democrats who would vote for a child-molester if he were running as a Democrat, will agree that she’s a crook and a money-grubbing shrew who never misses an opportunity to enrich herself at the expense of God, country and everybody else. She would steal the teeth of a dying man if she had a pair of pliers to pull the gold fillings.
Donald Trump’s partisans, but for his true believers who mistake rant for reason, won’t try to refute the ample evidence that the Donald is an uneducated lout with a gift for the insult, eager to throw brickbats at irrelevant targets who once offended him.
But one of these worthies will take the oath to protect and defend us all next January. It’s enough to make a saint sneeze, a cat bark and the dog choke on the cheese.
This is the election to test the theory, long held by the observant that God looks out for little boys, drunks and the United States of America. 
Little boys grow up and drunks sober up, but this year the United States of America may be pushing its luck. It’s certainly challenging fortune and trifling with the grace of God.
Good men will puzzle a long time over why and how James Comey, the director of the FBI charged with investigating Hillary Clinton’s abuse of the nation’s most important security secrets gave the lady the pass she doesn’t deserve.
My comments: This Election is a TEST of whether or not America will continue in her Defiance of God and His Word or Not. If Hillary is elected America will continue her Defiance agaisnt God and His Word and continue on the Road to her Destruction. It is that Simple!  

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