Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Obama in his address to U.S. Diplomats, July 15, 2016,
Tells them that Sustainable Development and Global Unity,
Through the U.N., can defeat Terrorism.

He tells the Diplomats that the U.N.'s new “2030 Agenda--
A set of New Sustainable Development Goals
To end extreme poverty and promote health and education
And equality for all people, including women,
And Saving the Planet from Climate Change,
Is the Answer to all of mankind's problems.

He and his fellow Globalist believe that the Solution to the World's Problems
Is to be found in the Nations Submitting to the U.N.;
Giving up their National Sovereignty and Submitting to the U.N.

Obama wants the U.N. To build strong Institutions
To Protect people from National or Cultural Pride.
In other words, create One Homogeneous People,
Which is Exactly what Nimrod had in mind with the Tower of Babel.
And Exactly what the Lord prevented by confusing the languages.

Obama tells the Diplomats that this 2030 Agenda
Is the only Path that will be successful for the People of the World.

He implies that Nationalism is selfish and self-centered
And that Everyone must Surrender to the Global 'Common Good.'

Obama added that “hatred and Violence of a few
Ultimately is no match for the love and decency and hard work
Of people of goodwill and compassion.”

This language from a man who is a Persecutor of Christians;
A promoter of Abortion Murder and Same-Sex Marriage;
A man who puts naked boys in shower and locker rooms with naked girls;
And Indecent and Immoral Act;
A man who in Policy and Action is in Defiance of God Almighty and His Word.

Then he says the World needed to work with “our Muslim Partners”
To push back against Hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam--
A Religion that teaches Peace and Justice and Compassion.

This is a Blatant Lie.
Islam is based on the Koran, that Incites Violence against Everyone,
Including its own, as it has been since Muhammad Invented it;
It has been a Scourge on the Earth for the last 1300 years.

Obama when on to say: “we will win this fight [against Terrorism]
By staying true to our Values--
Values of Pluralism and Rule of Law and Diversity and Freedoms,
Like Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech and Assembly--
The very Freedoms that the people of Nice
Were Celebrating last night on Bastille day.”

This from a man who has No Values
That align with those of God and His Word.
Therefore Obama is man without Values!
He is also a Lawless man who refuses to enforce American Law,
And who repeatedly Defies the U.S. Constitution.

He Touts Pluralism, Diversity as if these were inherently good,
In and of themselves--They are Not.
Listen to God's Admonishment to mankind through the apostle Paul:

Make every effort to keep the Unity of the Spirit
Through the Bond of Peace.
There is One Body and One Spirit--
Just as you were called to One Hope when you were called--
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism;
One God and Father of ALL and in All.
(Ephesians 4:3-6)

Obama is Preaching Another Religion,
The Religion of godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism,
One of Satan's many False Religions.
Every Religion is False but Faith in Christ Jesus,
God's One and only Savior for mankind.

Obama is speaking like THE ANTICHRIST of Scripture.

Islamic Terrorism is the Result of the WEST, which includes America,
Having Abandoned God and His Word.
God Almighty is the only One Who can protect any Nation;
Without His Protection they will have Unending Enemies.

God Almighty is also the only One who can bring Prosperity.
And He will only bring Prosperity
To a Nation that Honors Him and His Word.

Obama is a LIAR and Deceiver, an Emissary of Satan in what he is speaking.
Islamic Terrorism will continue as long as America and the WEST
Continue to Dishonor God and His Word.

Obama is calling for the One World Government, One World Religion
Of the Antichrist of Scripture, wittingly or unwittingly.

Soon the Whole World will worship Satan and his son, the Antichrist
And receive his “mark,” Damning themselves to and Eternal Hell.
Obama is Paving the way for this to happen. (Revelation 13)

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