Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Franklin Graham (Cornstalker)

Graham Says Christians Must Support Trump or Face Death Camps

By Beverly Gates - The Business Standard News
Franklin Graham, son of famed preacher Billy Graham, has urged Christians to vote for thrice married, casino owner Donald Trump. According to Graham, who feels Trump has been chosen by God, the reality TV star was the only thing standing between Christians and death camps.
“The liberal Democrats are openly hostile to Christians,” said Graham in an interview on WEHW radio. “We won’t survive four more years of Democrat-led government. I can see them rounding Christians up and putting us in death camps unless we follow their laws that want to grant special rights to gays and transgender people.”
“Christians need to vote for Trump, he embodies our values,” said Graham.
Apparently, many Evangelical Christians feel they are under siege. FOX News commentator Bill O’Reilly has done several segments on the alleged “War on Christmas.”
Right Wing Watch reported Carl Gallups, an End Times preacher, told World Net Daily that the U.S. government was currently at war with Christians.
“In my opinion, this particular election is right up there with the presidential elections before and during the Civil War,” said Gallups. “We are in a kind of societal civil war right now! And we are certainly in a great spiritual civil war in our nation, perhaps one like never before.”
My comments: I warn every Christian, I will vote for Trump, but he is Not a "savior." If the Republican Party embraces Same-Sex Marriage, Transgenderism, Islam, or Anything that is Against God and His Word they will FAIL before the Living God.

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