Friday, July 15, 2016


France, Europe and America
Will have Unending, Brutal, Relentless Enemies
That Pillage them.


Because they have Abandoned God
The only One Who can Protect them.
These Nations, the West, have a Heritage in God
That they have Abandoned.

When they Abandon God, they Abandon the Salvation
That comes only through God and His Word;
They Abandon their only reason for living,
As this life on Earth has but One Purpose before God,
And that is to determine where each person will spend Eternity;
Eternity that is dependent upon Obedience to God and His Word.

When a Nation Abandons God and His Word
It has No Purpose to Exist,
As the World in the Days of Noah gave up their Purpose for living;
They were Lost in their Sin,
And Salvation was no longer possible for them.

So it is with the West today;
They No Longer have a Purpose to Exist before the Living God.
Having Abandoned God and His Word.
They are taking their people into the Arms of Satan--To Hell.

In this condition, Satan has Free Reign over them;
Satan who came to Steal, Kill and Destroy. (John 10:10)
And that is what he is currently doing in the West,
Stealing, Killing and Destroying.

When Israel Abandoned God,
He brought the most brutal Nation(s) against them,
That they would come to understand that only He could Protect them
And that He would only Protect them
When they were Obedient to Him and His Word.

During the Reign of King David, Israel was Protected
Because David was a man after God's own heart;
A man who would do what God asked of him.
A man who said:

One thing I ask of the Lord,
This is what I seek;
That I may Dwell in the House of the Lord
All the Days of my life,
To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
And to seek Him in His Temple.
(Psalm 27:4)

Whom have I in Heaven but you?
And being with You, I desire Nothing on Earth.
(Psalm 73:25)

I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord;
Apart from You I have No Good Thing.
(Psalm 16:2)

Such a man and such a Nation is Protected by God Almighty
Through their Obedience to God and His Word.

ALL other Nations are simply FODDER for Satan;
Nations, that in this Last of the Last Day of TIME,
Will Receive the son of Satan, the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist
As their “god” and worship him and receive his “mark,”
Damning themselves to and Eternal Hell. (Revelation 13)

As Christians we Grieve over the condition of the West
And what Satan is doing to them.
But their leaders are godless men and women
Ignorant of God and His Word.

The Western Nations have committed Two Sins:
They have forsaken God, the Spring of Living Water,
And have Dug their own Cisterns, broken Cisterns
That Cannot Hold Water.
(Jeremiah 2:13)

The West's godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism
Is the Religion of the DAMNED!
Yet they cling to it Fiercely—Deceived!
And so they suffer in their Deception.

They will Not put up with the Sound Doctrine of God.
Instead, to suit their own Desires,
They have gathered around them a Great Number of Teachers
To say what their Itching Ears want to hear.
(2 Timothy 4:3)

And so the Carnage brought about by Evil Islam will continue;
As Islam marches to Hell under its own Deception.
Such is the Thin Veneer of what is called, Civilization—
It is a LIE!

The Nations could Repent and be Saved
But their Arrogance and Deception Prevent them.
Yet, ALL those people who do Repent and call upon the Lord,
Will be Saved. (Romans 10:13)

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