Wednesday, July 27, 2016


God Hating Democrats Interrupt Opening Prayer Of The Convention, And Guess Who Joined?

by hunter 
The Democratic National Convention has been one of the biggest messes of the year. It all started with the revelation that the primary was literally rigged for Hilary. Are you kidding me?!? 
They rigged an election and no one is going to do anything about it? That is absolutely absurd! She then decided to hire the same woman that rigged the entire election for her! 
Crooked Hilary shows no boundaries when it comes to breaking the law.
Not only is Hillary crooked in that sense, but the entire Democratic party has no respect for God! 
During the opening prayer Bernie supporters decided it was the right time to go and chant! 
They completely muffled out the beautiful reading of the opening prayer. 
That is just sick to believe that your political beliefs should trump any religious beliefs…We were a nation founded on religious freedom, but separation of Church and State. This means we share the floor. We don’t attempt to over power one and leave out the other.
Why is it that so many Democrats do not believe in God? I’ll tell you, they have become cynical to a fault. They don’t trust anything. They believe everything is rigged, but don’t do anything about it. Then, when they are rigged themselves they literally do nothing. 
The guy who was screwed over, Bernie, decides to NOT make a big deal and fight the system. Instead he lays on his back and allows Hilary to get her way. That is ABSURD. This man ran on the belief to take down system. To show everyone that we messed up! Are you voting against the Democrats?

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