Wednesday, July 27, 2016


July 24, 2016
Celebrating the bloodlust
By Judie Brown

When pro-abortionists are thirsty for the blood of innocent children, how do we stop them? How do we save lives?
When the United States Supreme Court handed down its pro-abortion ruling on June 27 of this year, pro-death groups across the land celebrated.
The Court basically struck down two provisions in a Texas law because, in its words, the pro-life restrictions created an "undue burden on abortion access." 
Thus the macabre champagne toasts and the declarations of victory among the paragons of abortion marketing began. One reporter pointed out that strains of various "girl-power" theme songs blared through a sound system in front of the court as abortion advocates kicked up their heels.
Now, nearly a month later, the chilling effects of that ruling have begun to settle in among those who are honest about the fact that when an abortion occurs, a human individual dies and another is marred for life by the memory of her dead child.

Robert Rinearson, a resident of Fort Wayne, Indiana, penned a poignant letter a few days ago in which he said:
    It seems like such a strange obsession for people to be wildly cheering for a law that supports the ending of a life process. As of January it was reported that over 58 million abortions have been performed in America since Roe v. Wade was decided. You might think that those throngs of partiers would have learned something with all the discarded babies that have been taken from their protective wombs. But I guess not.
    I will apologize to no one for believing to celebrate such issues of bloodlust is nothing short of sheer madness. I will, however, continue to pray for the unborn.
Yes, and all of us must pray and work, ever aware of the gruesome facts that have created the idea that abortion is nothing more than an issue that should be debated but never banned.
We know that those who promote abortion are always on the lookout for new ways to commit this horrific act. Think about the abortion activists who promote dangerous do-it-yourself abortions in our country and overseas. While many are aware of the dangerous side effects of surgical abortion, little is known about how the DIY abortions can go wrong. But the facts are there for anyone to see.

Randall K. O'Bannon, PhD, speaking recently at the National Right to Life Convention, told attendees: "States already are seeing Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups trying to remove the doctor from the abortion equation. . . . 
In three states, Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are doing dangerous webcam abortions where the woman never sees or is examined by a doctor in person before she receives the abortion drugs. And California legislators passed a law in 2013 allowing nurse practitioners and midwives to do abortions." 
These webcam abortions, like so many other innovations introduced to the culture by the enemies of life, take their toll, often in the silence of an unsuspecting pregnant mother's own home.

In addition, we have learned from those working inside the abortion industry that babies who survive abortions are often killed after they are born alive. Furthermore, personal stories from mothers who aborted their children and now suffer the consequences tell us that not only is abortion an act of killing, but a source of misery and suffering.
And the list goes on. But so does the solution. Saint John Paul II reminded us that in prayer we must fervently say to God, "Give us the grace to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life."

We must teach our children the fundamental truth that life – the life of every innocent human being – is precious.
We must expose the evil and always remind others of the beauty of every human being's life, for life is a gift, never a burden. And we must celebrate life every day, knowing that by affirming life we are living the biblical truth that love is always stronger than death.

Combat the evil with truth! Join American Life League in defiance of the culture of our day – this culture of death. Through your actions and words, become a part of our movement to build a culture of life. Pray, be informed, and educate others.
For pro-life information, go to
For pro-life educational tools, visit
To see documented proof of Planned Parenthood's debauchery and to learn ways to stop its spread, go to
To join with youth outreach for a pro-life generation, go to
© Judie Brown
My comments: For more than Forty Years Christians have told the American Culture that Abortion is Murder, yet this has largely fallen upon Deaf Ears. Abortion Murder is a major plank in the Democrat Party Platform--And that at virtually any stage of development. There are Eternal Consequences for Murder, and being a accomplice to Murder, before the Living God. But the Democrats and the like have Hardened their hearts. America Has No Future as long as Abortion is Practiced in America. That is another Reality that is Ignored. Every Pagan Culture that practiced Infanticide is No More, and soon America will be No More.

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