Sunday, June 26, 2016



BREAKING: Hundreds of Thousands Are “Sharing” What Oklahoma Just Did to Barack Obama

A Facebook post featuring the many ways in which Oklahoma has fought back against President Barack Obama’s tyrannical rulings went viral, and for good reason.
The post perfectly captured the way in which Oklahoma legislators used their constitutionally guaranteed state power to crush the president’s rulings on religion, illegal immigration and more.
For instance, officials in Oklahoma passed an amendment to place the Ten Commandments at the front entrance to the state capitol, despite loud objections from both the Obama administration and the ACLU.
Oklahoma legislators also took a courageous stand against Obama’s anti-gun policies by ruling that citizens in the “have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles.”
AWESOME: Hundreds of Thousands Are “Sharing” What Oklahoma Just Did to Barack Obama – Supreme Patriot.
Furthermore, officials passed a law to incarcerate illegal immigrants and deport them to their home countries. This bold decision flew in the face of Obama’s unconstitutional executive action on amnesty.
Legislators in Oklahoma also made it so that DNA samples from illegal immigrants were always stored in the Oklahoma database, which in turn made it easier to identify and thus deport criminals who illegally enter into our country.
Even more awesome was that Oklahoma passed a law mandating that all drivers’ license exams be printed in English and no other language. Some might call that law racist, but we call it common-sense.
The most brazen of all laws passed, however, was the the law that officially declared Oklahoma as a sovereign state — one not beholden to the directives of President Barack Obama’s lawless and corrupt federal government (H/T Constitution Party of Ohio).
This law placed Oklahoma among the likes of Texas, Montana and Utah, though a number of other states are likely to follow suit.
It’s terrific to see a state fight back so hard against Obama, and we certainly hope other states follow Oklahoma’s shining example.

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