Monday, May 23, 2016





'Key Republican senators ... need to hear from you'

Bob Unruh

A vote is looming in Congress on whether the U.S. Selective Service System, if and when another draft ever is launched, will be calling up young women as well as young men.

And officials with Concerned Women for America say members need to hear from constituents now.
CWFA spokeswoman Penny Nance said the vote in the Senate on the National Defense Authorization Act will be on Tuesday.
Currently, it includes “a provision to expand the Military Selective Service requirements to female citizens aged 18-26.”
She pointed out that Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, “had offered an amendment which would strike the provision which forces our young women to register.”
“John McCain, Mitch McConnell, and other senators think your daughter should be drafted into combat,” she wrote in a statement on the conflict. “We have gone from debating whether or not women should serve in combat to some advocating that they should be forced to serve in combat. Leadership should know better than to disregard basic biology in order to embrace political correctness.”
She explained, “Our military’s sole purpose is to protect our nation, not to serve as this administration’s laboratory for social engineering. Peak childbearing years for women continue to be cited at 20-35, an age range in line with the 18-26 age group affected by this policy that ignores basic biology. We firmly believe in the equality of men and women, but that does not require us to ignore the physical differences and unique risks to women in combat particularly in the case of capture.”
Simply put, she said, when a draft is being discussed and the military is considered, the discussion “should revolve around combat readiness, efficiency, and national security, and weeding through applicants that are overwhelmingly biologically unable to meet combat standards would be a logistical nightmare and would force the lowering of combat standards.”
She cited radical Islamic terror as the nation’s greatest security threat right now, which raises the specter of American women captured.
“The torture, repeated rape, and humiliation that would face female POWs would be unthinkable. Women who understand these risks and who bravely choose to serve regardless are different from women who are chosen to serve based on the day they were born,” Nance wrote.
“We strongly support the heroic, capable, and honorable women who chose and will choose to serve our country in the military. However, this issue centers around whether or not women are to be forced to register to serve in tip-of-spear combat roles should our nation reinstate the draft. Forcing women to serve in combat against their will is a deep departure in U.S. policy.”
She urged constituents to contact their senators right away.
WND reported earlier when the draft-your-daughters plan moved forward despite the efforts of several Republicans.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., ended up voting against his own amendment that he said he introduced to begin a conversation about the issue of women in the military’s tip-of-the-spear combat troops and mandatory enlistment.
Hunter is opposed to the Obama’ administration’s recent moves to install women in even the most dangerous, violent military positions. He said the draft now is sexist, because it targets young men, and not young women.
But, the Washington Post said his “gamble that committee members would shy away from forcing women into the draft backfired when a slim majority – including five Republicans – opted to endorse the measure by a vote of 32 to 30.”
If it makes it through Congress, it would demand that young girls and women ages 18 to 26 register with the Selective Service, which would run any draft that would be imposed.
So far, there seems to be tentative acceptance from Sen. John McCain, a senior senator on the Senate Armed Services Committee, but reluctance from House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Officials at Center for Military Readiness, who have studied the issue, surveyed the experts and analyzed the problem for years, said the “Draft America’s Daughters” plan, an amendment to the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, is just wrong.
“It is unfortunate that all Democrats and a few liberal Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee voted for Congressman Duncan Hunter’s ‘Draft America’s Daughters’ amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017,” said CMR chief Elaine Donnelly.
“Committee Chairman ‘Mac’ Thornberry, R-Texas, to his credit, tried to deter the vote, but Republican members Martha McSally, Arizona, Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Joe Heck, Nevada, and Chris Gibson, New York joined with feminist Democrats in approving Hunter’s amendment, 32-30,” she said.
“The intent of the measure was to draw attention to inconvenient facts and major problems with the administration’s no-exceptions-allowed plans to order minimally qualified women into direct ground combat units such as the infantry,” Donnelly said.
“Selective Service is a national defense contingency policy, and there is nothing ‘sexist’ about it. Gender-related physiological differences between men and women fully justify women’s exemption from direct ground combat units that attack the enemy with deliberate offensive action. The same realities apply to Selective Service law as well,” she said.
“Congressman Hunter voted against his own bill, but approval by the House and eventually by the Senate and President Obama would result in unsuspecting girls-next-door facing Selective Service obligations and a possible future draft in the event of a national emergency,” she warned.
“If Selective Service were re-activated to fight an existential threat, thousands of women could be called up for accelerated military training. Only a few might meet the demanding standards of combat arms units such as the infantry,” she said. ‘Would the expenditure of time, effort, and resources to find those few women, and to train them for combat arms units where military needs are greatest, be worth it? Only Congress has the right, and the responsibility, to say ‘No’ on national security grounds – especially when women are free to volunteer, as they always have.”
It said, “The argument could be made that including women in the draft pool could actually hinder the flexibility, efficiency and speed necessary to respond to a national crisis. As Prof. Woodruff explains, if Selective Service called up women and men ages 18-26 in roughly equal numbers, the administrative burden of finding the theoretical one-in-four woman who might be qualified would make it more difficult to find better-qualified persons.”

My comments: It is Insane to draft women into Combat Duty. It defies Common Sense and is simply a part of the social experimenting going on among the godless, today.

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