Thursday, May 5, 2016





AG cites threat from 'those who would use the cover of restroom policy for nefarious purposes'

Bob Unruh
One of the byproducts of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in 2015 to abandon millennia of Judeo-Christian precedent and create “same-sex marriage” has been the reinvigoration of efforts by transgender-rights activists to allow people to use bathrooms according to their “perceived gender.”
It’s being played out in cities, counties and schools. In Chicago, for example, 51 families were forced to sue the school district after officials there opened their restrooms to virtually all comers. Also, the Obama administration is publicly “shaming” Christian colleges that exercise their right to be exempt from such laws based on religious beliefs.
In North Carolina, where state lawmakers adopted a law requiring people to use restrooms according to their biological sex, the Obama administration attacked this week.
The Justice Department determined that the state law violates the U.S. Civil Rights Act, which bars discrimination based on sex, and the state must confirm it will not implement the law, which already is in effect.
The movement also has impacted the business world, where Target officials recently announced they would welcome men who say they are women to use the women’s rooms in their stores and vice versa.
The Obama administration’s move to open bathrooms and ignore biology even drew a satirical video from the the Family Research Council, where a narrator pointed out: “So … while ISIS is infiltrating America … President Obama seems confused about human biology. While Russia taunts our military … President Obama is fighting for men to access to women’s locker rooms. While Iran and North Korea fire ballistic missiles … President Obama is demanding grown men have the right to use women’s bathrooms.
“Who knows what’s next? President Obama could issue an executive order wiping out single gendered bathrooms in national parks … or in federal buildings … or tell the TSA to stop requiring those who fly to declare their biological sex. It’s absurd.”
The video:
The open-restroom advocates largely have ignored the fact that the policy could be exploited by male predators. But the safety of women and girls is the focal point of a letter to Target by the attorney general of Texas.
Fox News reported Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s confrontation with Target.
“It is possible that allowing men in women’s restrooms could lead to criminal and otherwise unwanted activity,” Paxton told Target in a letter.
Related articles (story continues below):
“As chief lawyer and law enforcement officer for the State of Texas, I ask that you provide the full text of Target’s safety policies regarding the protection of women and children from those who would use the cover of Target’s restroom policy for nefarious purposes,” he demanded.
Paxton said Target is free to open its bathrooms to whomever it wants but is unsure that Texans will welcome such policies.
“The voters in Houston recently repealed by a wide margin an ordinance that advanced many of the same goals as Target’s current policy,” he pointed out.
A spokesman for the American Family Association, which has a boycott petition approaching 1.2 million signatures, told Fox News that the company needs to provide answers.
AFA President Tim Wildmon said: “Nearly everyone has a mother, wife, daughter or friend who is put in jeopardy by this policy. Predators and voyeurs would take advantage of the policy to prey on those who are vulnerable.”
In just the last few days, WND columnist Cheryl Chumley wrote, “If wickedness could be bottled, it would be labeled transgender movement.”
She continued: “Think America’s entered a phase of topsy-turvy beliefs, where what used to be right is now wrong – what used to be immoral is now moral? And those who dare say otherwise are now the intolerant, divisive or downright evil ones? 
Well, that’s what happens when a nation that professes to walk in God’s path – that professes a government based on ‘self-evident’ principles with rights ‘endowed by their Creator,’ as in America’s road map of the Declaration of Independence – but doesn’t actually walk that way. 
A mocked God turns His back, washes His hands of the people and lets them pursue their own lusts and stubborn desires, and then watches as those same stubborn lusts and desires prove to become snares for the people.”
What do YOU think? Share your thoughts on Target’s Facebook page, use the Twitter hashtag #BoycottTarget and sign AFA’s pledge to boycott the retail giant
She cited the Target store policy.
WND reported that when the Target controversy developed, its stock plunged by more than $1.5 billion. As the latest wrinkle developed in Texas, it had not yet rallied.
The signers of the petition against Target agreed the store policy “endangers women and children by allowing men to frequent women’s facilities.”
But more importantly, they also affirmed, “Until Target makes the safety of women and children a priority, I will shop elsewhere.”
Mark West at Patriot Post calculated the impact of the boycott. He cited statistics from Perfect Price, a database of credit card transactions, showing the average “dollars spent per trip by Target customers is $62.”
“So I’ll use a very conservative calculation to extrapolate the impact of the #BoycottTarget petition so far. Assuming that the average customer makes two trips per month (a likely conservative number), and the signatures grow to one million (this was written just before that benchmark was passed), we arrive at $1.5 billion … in lost revenue annually to Target.”
But he pointed that that there are many who “likely will never sign a petition.”
“They’ll simply leave Target in disgust as they see a company that has abandoned common sense values,” he said.
Award-winning journalist and WND Managing Editor David Kupelian noted that only a few years ago, virtually everybody in the world would have agreed it’s “stark, raving mad” to allow grown men to use a women’s restroom or locker room.
“Today, it is still stark, raving mad,” he said. “But the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender movement, fueled by its success in imposing same-sex marriage on America, is now trying to force middle America to pretend that a serious mental illness, one that frequently involves amputating healthy body parts in a desperate but impossible quest to morph into the opposite sex, is perfectly normal and we must all join in the pretense or be demonized or legally prosecuted.
“So now they’re getting some real push-back. That is a very good thing.”
In his most recent book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” Kupelian wrote about gender identity disorder – the strong feelings of belonging to the opposite sex that drive some people to try and physically change their genders. This erstwhile disorder was recently renamed “gender dysphoria” in an effort to de-pathologize it, according to Kupelian. So today being transgender is considered completely normal while those who don’t accept the normality of transgenderism are often labeled “transphobic,” which suggests someone has a disorder, or phobia.
But Kupelian believes his fellow countrymen see through the pro-transgender propaganda.
“Most Americans recognize the ‘transgender movement’ for what it is – a deeply misguided campaign to normalize mental illness and to force all Americans to abandon their common sense and core values and affirm and celebrate what is really pathological delusion,” he said.
“Remember: It is literally impossible to change your gender. Every one of the trillions of cells in your body is permanently branded male or female from birth and cannot be changed.”

My comments: The "Transgender Movement" is part of the War Against God and His Word. It is showing America Who Stands with and for God and His Word and Who does Not. Obama, Hillary, the Democrats, the Supremely Evil Court, Target and the like are doing the Bidding of their father, Satan. 

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