Thursday, May 26, 2016


May 25, 2016 - Jews News
America is going Muslim, and with the current policies in place, the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating top government positions and with the influx of immigration from Muslim countries, Islam will be taking over quicker than Phil Robertson can get suspended from Duck Dynasty for expressing his Christian views. It may sound far-fetched, but the rug is being pulled out from under us, and before anyone takes notice, the transformation will be complete.
There is nothing like demographic data to illustrate a point. Immigration is changing the face of the nation, and there are irrefutable statistics which prove this very point. There is US Census data which is part of the picture, but then there is the 2010 US Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study, analyzed by the Washington Post’s Niraj Chokshi in an article earlier this month.
This is the type of data that is often disregarded because any time religion comes into play, people consider it a nonfactor, insignificant or for some reason, unreliable information. However, this is a mistake. There will always be a margin for error in any study, no matter what the subject. In this case, religion plays an important role in our culture, in any culture really. It sets the stage for our behavior, as we are shaped by our beliefs and our culture. With that being said, the melting pot of the United States was always molded by the Judeo-Christian values set forth by the forefathers who built the nation. But now that melting pot is doing less melting, and the bashing of Christianity and Judaism is perpetrated by the leftist, liberal culture which has overtaken the country, while all other religions are given free rein in the name of “freedom of religion.”
This freedom of religion would be fine on two conditions: first, that the religion of the majority, the religion that founded this nation, is also allowed to exist without the shame that is being placed upon it nowadays; and second, that any religion which seeks to eliminate the rest, which seeks to conquer and destroy the nation and which is dictated by “holy” books and clerics calling for the violent acts of rape and murder in the name of their god, is not granted the same rights as the other religions. In other words, Islam, the only religion which falls into the above mentioned category, cannot be treated the same as the other religions whose adherents simply wish to be...
My comments: Islam is INCOMPATIBLE with America as Founded. Muslims can Never obey the Constitution as the Koran Forbids this. A Republic, as America is, is the Antithesis of Islam.

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