Tuesday, May 3, 2016




Exclusive: Brent Smith defends Jewish state in face of constant global criticism

Frankly, if it were up to me, I’d kick them all out. It’s evident none of the Arabs who surround Israel want peace with the Jewish nation, and all at one time or another have refused even to recognize its existence.
Since its founding in 1948, the state of Israel has always wanted peace with its Arab neighbors. It is the Arab nations who have been threatening, provoking or outright warring with them.
To prove this to be so, one need only ask him or herself: If the Arabs all laid down their arms tomorrow, what would Israel do? Of course, nothing. They would live in peace. Now ask yourself if Israel did the same, what the Arabs would do. They would attack the following day, if they waited that long. This is all one needs to know about the dynamics of the region.
Yet at every turn, Israel is said to be at fault for the oppression of Arabs who reside within its legal and rightful territory. I personally think they’ve shown saint-like restraint when it comes to dealing with those who would exterminate them if given half a chance.
And as we know, the Arab nations aren’t the only ones who blame the Jews for virtually everything wrong in the Middle East. The liberal political class here and abroad plays the blame game as does practically the entirety of the United Nations. In their eyes, Israel is always up to no good, and this most recent controversy in the West Bank is no different.
Sky News reports that “the Israeli military has dramatically increased the number of demolitions of Palestinian homes and other buildings in the occupied West Bank, according to the United Nations,” giving rise once again to claims of “ethnic cleansing.”
Wholly relying on the U.N.’s Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) figures, they report of the massive amounts of Palestinian homes and other buildings being demolished “and the U.N. agency has claimed people are being driven from the land as a result.” Well, at least they didn’t say they are being driven from “their land” – just from “the land.”
“The Israeli military, which has occupied the West Bank for nearly 50 years, claims it carries out the demolitions because the structures are illegal and do not have the necessary planning permits.” I’ll get to the “Israeli occupation” shortly, but the fact is that Palestinians just move in and build with little or no permission. What is Israel to do? It’s their land, won fair and square in the Six Day War, and increasingly, as many in Europe have discovered, those who wish to do the Jewish state harm are purposely indistinguishable from run-of-the-mill Palestinian settlers.
But this doesn’t matter to the multitude of Jew-haters. “Jews bad, Palestinians good” is their default position. Some on the left claim that Israel is bulldozing so they may appropriate the land for further Jewish settlements. Um – yeah. It’s their land – why shouldn’t they? It’s no more “occupied” than America occupies Texas.
It can also be used as a strategic buffer against constant terrorist attacks. It’s the smart thing to do considering how Israel must contend with never-ending attacks and bombardments from virtually all sides. The West Bank, Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula are all staging areas for attacks against the Jews by any number of Arab-funded terrorist groups. One might say it is kind of by their own hand Israel has ended up in this predicament, since all that land was acquired by Israel from the 1967 victory and been steadily given away in various efforts to keep the peace.
The way the map looked after the 1967 Six Day War is how it should have remained, with Israel separated from Jordan by only the naturally occurring barrier of the Dead Sea and Jordan River in the west and Red Sea in the south.
If the poor Palestinians wish to blame anyone for their fate, they should fault the Arab aggressors in the lead up to the Six Day War. Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria are to blame as well as the Soviet Union and the Saudis for arming them. They can blame all the glorious Arab leaders who lost their precious land due to their misguided and blind hatred of the Jews – leaders like Egypt’s President Nasser, King Hussein of Jordan, then Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad and Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq.
Blame all of them, but stop blaming Israel, who only ever fought back against Arab aggression and provocation. 
So maybe it is time for Israel to level everything, kick them all out and close the door behind them.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/05/is-it-time-for-israel-to-kick-them-all-out/#RVv5OylFQ7tLceR6.99

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