Saturday, May 7, 2016




Exclusive: Larry Klayman calls Trump 'the only alternative to the corrupt ruling class'

A day after non-establishment Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump handily won the Indiana primary and it was initially thought he had secured his nomination as presidential candidate, sore loser Ted Cruz gloated publicly that Hillary Clinton would be the next president. Indeed, Cruz who out of necessity had become the darling of the Republican establishment and Beltway conservatives, had become the “great hope” to defeat The Donald at a planned, manipulated, contested July Republican convention in the dying city of Cleveland, Ohio – a town so corrupt and decrepit that it has ironically come to symbolize the equally dying state of the current Republican Party.
Ted Cruz was not alone in wasting no time trashing Trump after he became the “presumptive” presidential nominee. House Speaker Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney’s juvenile and hapless vice presidential running mate during the 2012 presidential elections (a political disaster where Romney and Ryan succeeded in snatching defeat from the jaws of otherwise certain victory, 
subjecting the United States to four more years of tyrannical rule by the nation’s first Muslim president), also attacked Trump, saying he would not support The Donald’s candidacy unless he, in effect, got down on his knees before him and the rest of the Republican establishment. 
Similar classless attacks came from the Bush family – W. and Jeb to be specific – who also publicly uttered words of non-endorsement as the sore losers they also are.
Then, to put icing on the cake of the Trump bashing, along came the unhinged and rabid radio and television personality Glenn Beck, whose vicious attacks one day after The Donald’s victory reached a new level of transparent self-promotion. 
But Beck was not alone among so-called conservatives; virtually all of the current conservative establishment that infests Washington, D.C., piled on – fearful that their grip on perceived conservative power and money would quickly come to an end if Trump were elected president.
Standing virtually alone in defending Donald, much to their credit, were former Gov. Mike Huckabee, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Gov. Chris Christie – even if the latter’s support was calculated to win him a high post in a Trump administration.
A few weeks ago, I filed a lawsuit in Florida, where I am a citizen and voter. On March 15, 2016, I cast a vote in the Florida Republican primary, but with declarations by the Republican establishment, led by Speaker Ryan and the then opponents of Trump, Cruz and Kasich, that they would seek a contested convention to unseat The Donald even if he should win enough votes to be nominated, 
I felt duty bound to sue Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, the RNC itself, the Republican Party of Florida and the Florida secretary of state for defrauding voters into casting their ballots believing that their primary vote would count past the first round of delegate voting at the convention. 
The defendants in my case have now all been personally served with the complaint. And predictably, no sooner than this happened, I received, just one day after Trump’s decisive victory in Indiana, an email from the lawyer of the Republican Party of Florida, effectively begging me to drop the case, claiming it was now clear that Trump would get the nomination. 
Knowing that the Republican establishment, supported by the likes of a critically wounded and semi-deranged Glenn Beck and company, would not go lightly into the dark night, I refused. And, sure enough, it now appears that this Republican establishment is poised to use any dirty trick at the convention to pull the rug out from under the presidential nominee the people have chosen. 
My lawsuit seeks to throw a monkey wrench into the “best laid plans of these (corrupt) mice and men.”
The issue is not Donald Trump. As I have written before, the issue is democracy, plain and simple. Like it or not, the people have rejected the political class in the Republican Party – a group of do-nothing degenerates who have rolled over to the Muslim king for the last seven and one half years, spending their time simply cashing in on the money gravy train of the nation’s capital. 
During this time, the country has been literally destroyed, morally, politically and economically. Never mind that on the surface, things may look less than terminal. Underneath, a deep cancer has been growing and is on the verge of fatally metastasizing. 
For this reason, the informed electorate – the people who take the time and effort to vote in primaries – have reached out to Trump, not because he is perfect or even truly conservative, 
but because he is the only alternative to the corrupt ruling class. If he is elected president, there is no guarantee that things will go better for our country, but at this point there is nothing to lose. Indeed, in the words of Kris Kristofferson and Janis Joplin, who wrote and sang the classic song “Bobby McGee” during the Vietnam War years, “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.”
And, this is why I will litigate my case against the Republican establishment to the successful end, God willing. 
For if we do not preserve democracy, then we as a nation have nothing left. 
And if, as Ted Cruz and others wish, Hillary Clinton is now elected president thanks to their trashing of Donald Trump and their forecast “antics” at the GOP convention in Cleveland – all will be lost. 
Cruz and others would rather see the Wicked Witch of the Left elected over Trump, so four years from now they can run against her and try to reclaim the power and the money gravy train milked to the hilt by the Washington, D.C., Republican and conservative establishment.

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