April 13, 2016
Truth about MS Religious Freedom Protection Act
By Gina Miller
The hissy-fit hysteria from opponents of Mississippi's new Religious Freedom Protection Act is deeply disturbing. The lies and deception being used to completely mischaracterize the law could hardly be more outrageous, and while this is par for the course with God-hating leftists, the shrill, growing volume of deranged opposition tells me that we are in bigger trouble in this nation than we can imagine.
I have read the law. I know what it's about, and I am certain many, if not most, of the people railing against it have not even read it.
The hissy-fit hysteria from opponents of Mississippi's new Religious Freedom Protection Act is deeply disturbing. The lies and deception being used to completely mischaracterize the law could hardly be more outrageous, and while this is par for the course with God-hating leftists, the shrill, growing volume of deranged opposition tells me that we are in bigger trouble in this nation than we can imagine.
I have read the law. I know what it's about, and I am certain many, if not most, of the people railing against it have not even read it.
To a man, every opponent of this law is lying about its meaning. Whether they're lying deliberately or are deceived and simply repeating the lies being told about it, the result is still the same: misinformation on a grand scale.
This law restrains the Mississippi State government and its officers. It does not "enshrine hatred" into law, because anyone's opposition to counterfeit, same-sex "marriage" and nonexistent "transgenderism" is not based in hatred but in love of truth and reality.
This law restrains the Mississippi State government and its officers. It does not "enshrine hatred" into law, because anyone's opposition to counterfeit, same-sex "marriage" and nonexistent "transgenderism" is not based in hatred but in love of truth and reality.
It does not allow for anyone's freedoms or civil rights to be denied – none. No one can point to a single right or freedom being denied to homosexual or "transgender" people – not one. Claims to the contrary are lies.
It's certainly distressing to see the large corporations and senseless celebrities and politicians babbling their nonsense about a law that only reiterates our fundamental, God-given rights of conscience that are already protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
It's certainly distressing to see the large corporations and senseless celebrities and politicians babbling their nonsense about a law that only reiterates our fundamental, God-given rights of conscience that are already protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
This is another point of deep frustration we have with the screeching and wailing of the law's opponents: this law is nothing new, but because of the evil Left's near-stranglehold on public perception and media messaging, many people don't realize it.
This reiteration of our natural rights in Mississippi's law is a response – a defensive response – to the vicious, militant homosexual/"transgender" movement's aggressive, coordinated assault on Christians and Christian business owners across the nation.
This reiteration of our natural rights in Mississippi's law is a response – a defensive response – to the vicious, militant homosexual/"transgender" movement's aggressive, coordinated assault on Christians and Christian business owners across the nation.
For years now, homosexual and "transgender" activists have been targeting small businesses and individuals with demands that violate common-sense decency and rationality, demands that would directly conflict with the knowledge and beliefs of the Christians targeted. When Christians decline to violate their consciences, the homo-activists have a waiting team of lawyer vultures with the lawsuits ready to go.
This is not about a homosexual being denied generic products or services, nor is this about denying "single mothers baby shower services," because none of that is happening.
This is not about a homosexual being denied generic products or services, nor is this about denying "single mothers baby shower services," because none of that is happening.
This is a response to the nationwide proliferation of specific demands by these activists that require participation in, and affirmation of, same-sex "marriage."
They also specifically demand that businesses and other private (and public) entities accommodate the insane belief by a small group of deviants that they are the opposite sex.
Just a few short years ago, neither of these things would be given a minute of consideration in the public square, because not only are these two things not real, but they're also dead wrong.
There is no such thing as same-sex "marriage."
There is no such thing as same-sex "marriage."
Marriage is one thing only, the union of a man and a woman, and that's all it will ever be, no matter how many evil-bad court opinions and laws are rendered or passed to the contrary.
Likewise, there is no such thing as a "transgender" person. There are men and women, and that's all there will ever be, regardless of how deep the deception grows in our nation and world. A man who believes he is a woman is not a woman, but a man under strong delusion.
People who want nothing to do with either of these things are not acting in "hatred."
People who want nothing to do with either of these things are not acting in "hatred."
That's perhaps the biggest of the lies being told by pushers of the sexual anarchist movement.
Possessing the wisdom to know that there are unchanging and unchangeable truths of right and wrong that apply to all people equally, and embracing that knowledge, is not "hatred."
It's wisdom. It's discernment. It's proper judgment, something the Bible calls us to engage in always, all the ignorant misuses of the "judge not" Scriptures notwithstanding.
Another of the big lies pushed by opponents of Mississippi's law is that it's no different than "Jim Crow" laws, that this is a "civil rights" issue.
Another of the big lies pushed by opponents of Mississippi's law is that it's no different than "Jim Crow" laws, that this is a "civil rights" issue.
That is a grotesquely sinister affront to the genuine civil rights struggle that black people engaged in.
It's a detestable thing that these deviants are operating as illegitimate parasites on a worthy fight for equal recognition under the law that black Americans won.
Homosexuality and "transgenderism" are perverse sexual behaviors, based solely in rebellion against God's natural order, and they're in no way related to the immutable characteristic of ethnicity.
Further, while anyone is free to engage in these perverse sexual behaviors, they are not a "civil right," and any business owner who does not want to open his intimate, sex-segregated facilities to men pretending to be women has the right to say no to that breathtaking lunacy.
Further, while anyone is free to engage in these perverse sexual behaviors, they are not a "civil right," and any business owner who does not want to open his intimate, sex-segregated facilities to men pretending to be women has the right to say no to that breathtaking lunacy.
Any baker who does not want to lend his work to creating a cake for a warped ceremony that mocks God's design for human sexuality and marriage is free to refuse to do so. Those are some of the fundamental freedoms our nation was forged on, and those are the freedoms the new Mississippi law seeks to protect.
I know the sinister forces of darkness are hard at work in our nation, unwittingly hastening the Day of our Lord's return (though the time of that Day is firmly set from before the foundation of the world).
I know the sinister forces of darkness are hard at work in our nation, unwittingly hastening the Day of our Lord's return (though the time of that Day is firmly set from before the foundation of the world).
The Bible makes it clear that iniquity will abound more and more as we move through the last days, and I believe that statement doesn't fully convey the unspeakably horrible reality of what that will mean for our nation and world.
And while these militant homosexual/"transgender" activists and their apologists have set themselves as our earthly enemies, they're only pawns of a higher dark power, our true enemy, Satan, who already stands defeated.
As Christians, we must not lose sight of the hope we have in Jesus, never ceasing to watch and pray, because God's will is going to be done, and in the end, we win.
As Christians, we must not lose sight of the hope we have in Jesus, never ceasing to watch and pray, because God's will is going to be done, and in the end, we win.
Please pray for me, and pray for the leaders of the State of Mississippi, that they will stand strong in the face of the flood of lies and wickedness that will continue to descend on them from the deceived and deluded evildoers who have hated the truth and loved darkness.
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. -Daniel 12:10
© Gina Miller
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. -Daniel 12:10
© Gina Miller
My comments: Amen. The Lord Jesus Chrsit warned us: "Because of the increase of Wickedness, the love of Most will Grow Cold, but he [she] who Stands Firm to the End will be Saved." (Matthew 24:12, 13)
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