Monday, April 25, 2016


April 24, 2016
Trump lurches left on abortion, homosexuality

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

Host of "Focal Point" on American Family Radio, 1-3pm CT,

It looks like evangelicals got taken for a ride again.

On the same day his aides told the Republican National Committee that the blustery Trump has only been "projecting an image," he ripped the mask completely off and revealed himself as a pro-transgender, only partially pro-life candidate.
He came out in full-throated support of the invasion of female bathroom privacy by saying sexually-confused men should be able "to use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." He added that males who suffer from Gender Identity Disorder would be allowed to use any of the ladies' facilities – presumably including bathrooms, locker rooms, and shower rooms – on any of his properties, no questions asked.
The head of the Log Cabin Republicans, an aggressively pro-sodomy lobbying group, said flatly that Trump "will be the most gay-friendly Republican nominee for president ever."
Trump also said he would "absolutely" change the GOP platform on the sanctity of life to allow unborn children to be butchered in cases of rape and incest.
Note that allowing abortions in cases of sexual sin is to pass a death sentence on an innocent, unborn child for the sins of her father. That's not something that ever should be done in America and is a position that no socially conservative candidate can defend.

Trump's lieutenants assured nervous GOP elites yesterday in Florida that he's really one of them, saying that "the part that he's been playing is now evolving." He is morphing before our eyes into an uber-Mitt Romney.
Many of us in the pro-family community have been urging our fellow evangelicals for many months now to consider the likelihood that Trump has only been masquerading as a social conservative, and his sudden and abrupt embrace of sexual deviancy and abortion should remove any doubt that we have been right all along.

If a candidate cannot unapologetically defend the sanctity of human life and normative sexuality, he cannot claim to be a credible conservative candidate.
There are five candidates still in the running for the presidency of the United States, and just one of the five is a convictional conservative. The lines are becoming increasingly clear for pro-family voters.

The sad reality is that if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination as a pro-homosexual, pro-abortion candidate, more evangelicals and other social conservatives will stay home in 2016 than stayed home in 2012, and Hillary Clinton will be our next president.
I have long been convinced that America's last chance is to elect a staunch conservative as president in 2016. We were told in 2010 by Republicans that if we gave them the House, they'd stop the liberal agenda in its tracks. We did, they didn't. Then they told us in 2014 if we only gave them the Senate, they'd stop the liberal agenda in its tracks. We did, and again they didn't.

The last surviving option for saving America is to elect a president who will govern according to the Constitution and proudly and unrepentantly veto bloated budgets and bad bills, including bills that promote abortion and sexual deviancy, and explain to the American people exactly why the Constitution compels him to do so.
It's a time for choosing and that choice must be made before it's too late.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer

My comments: Trump shows his True Colors--he is just anther godless man, full of himself, and Disregarding God and His Word. He like Obama and the Democrats would take America to RUIN before the Living God.

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