Friday, April 22, 2016


The World has been Lost and Dying since the Fall of Adam and Eve.
Because of their Sin against God they were Cast Out of Paradise
And Everything outside of Paradise is Lost and Dying;
Subject to the TIME God Established at Creation,
For at Creation Everything was Complete.
God would work with mankind for Six Thousand Years,
Redeeming All who would be Redeemed,
And then He would Rest on the Seventh Day.

Christ Jesus was Crucified from the Foundation of the World.
[Revelation 13:8; 1 Peter 1:20]
He was Chosen before the Creation of the World,
But was Revealed in these Last Times for your sake.
(1 Peter 1:20)

Christ Jesus came at the beginning of the Last Two Days of TIME.
Only Two Days remained until The Day Of Rest;
Until He would Return
And Establish His Kingdom on Earth for a Thousand Years;
Doing away with the kingdom of the World, Satan's kingdom,
For because Adam and Eve obeyed Satan rather than God
The kingdom of the World was given to him. (Luke 4:6)

Why is the World Lost and Dying?
Because it is without the Spirit of God, the Spirit of LIFE,
And because it belongs to Satan[1 John 5:19].
God has given him TIME to Rule,
But at the End of TIME his kingdom is Destroyed, Forever,
By the Return of Christ Jesus.

'For the Son of Man came to Seek and to Save what was Lost.'
(Luke 19:10)
To bring the Spirit of LIFE to All who would Receive Him.
As many as received Him, He gave the Right to be the Children of God.
(John 1:12)

Time is Short...For this World in its Present Form is Passing Away.
(1 Corinthians 7:29-31)

The World and its Desires Pass Away,
But the man [woman] who Does the Will of God lives Forever.

And as you have heard that the Antichrist is Coming,
Even now Many Antichrists have come.
This is how we know it is the Last Hour.

They went out from us,
But they Did Not Belong to Us.
For if they had Belonged to Us,
They would have Remained with Us;
But their Going Showed
That None of them Belonged to Us.
(1 John 2:18, 19)

Here we are in the Last of the Last Day of TIME.
Anticipating the Unfolding of Scripture
That will happen Exactly as God has Written.
Everything we are witnessing today,
Will Conform Exactly into what God has Foretold.

We are watching the World in its Death Throes.
The Nations are Raging against God
And Plotting In Vain.
The kings of the Earth are taking their Stand Together
Against the Lord and His Anointed One [Christ Jesus].

'Let us Break their Chains.' they say,
'And Throw Off their Fetters [the Word of God].'

The One Enthroned in Heaven Laughs;
He Scoffs at them.
Then He Rebukes them in His Anger
And Terrifies them in His Wrath, saying,
'I have Installed My King on Zion, My Holy Hill.'
(Psalm 2:1-6)

Understand that from God's View Point, Christ Jesus,
God's King, is Already Installed on Mount Zion

Today, we are witnessing the Apostasy
That the apostle Paul told us about [2 Thess. 2:3; Dan. 8:12]
We will soon witness the Revealing of the Lawless One,
The son of Satan, the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist.
THEN the Whole World will worship him and receive his “mark,”
Damning themselves to and Eternal Hell.

THEN for the next Three and One-half Years
The World will experience God's Great Tribulation;
God's Judgment on a World
That Refused to Love the Truth [2 Thess. 2:10]

At the End of The Great Tribulation
Christ Jesus Returns to The Battle of Armageddon
And Defeats All the Armies of the World
And Establishes His Kingdom, in Jerusalem, on Mount Zion
For a Thousand Years—God's Day of Rest.

Christ Jesus warned us:
Be always on the Watch,
And pray that you will be able to Escape All that is about to happen,
And that you may be able TO STAND before the Son of Man.
(Luke 21:36)

Today, the World is Raging Against God, Rushing toward Oblivion. (Psalm 2)
This World in it's Present Form is Passing Away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being Ground to Powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as in Heaven!

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