Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Americas Independent News Network

This Is A Message You Need To Hear
Cheryl Chumley's New Book Is a Practical Guide for Christians to Take America Back
Dear WND Superstore Customer,

A book like this doesn't come along very often. You are familiar with the work of veteran journalist Cheryl Chumley, author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality."

You know her passion, hard work and fierce integrity is unmatched by any other writer in America.

But she has outdone herself with her new book"The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country from the Beast in Washington." 

It's out NOW! And you can't afford to miss it. 

It's a time of crisis for the Republic. Christians are under attack. Government intrusion into our private lives is at an all-time high. In Obergefell v. Hodges, unelected judges simply invented a new definition of marriage and overturned the will of the people. Americans from bakers to CEO's are seeing their careers destroyed, their businesses attacked, and their families targeted because of their Christian beliefs. Prayer has been banned from public schools for over fifty years and now even private institutions are effectively banned from encouraging people to acknowledge God.

None of this is constitutional. All of the Founding Fathers would be horrified at what our federal government has become. And yet we all have to live with the consequences each and every day.

The Founding Fathers said our system of government demanded a moral, educated and principled populace to keep our elected officials in check, to keep our government free of corruption, and to maintain our liberty. Without this, they warned, we would lose our Republic.

We are well on our way to realizing the worst nightmares of our Founders. Our government is run by self-serving politicians eager to expand their own powers and control every aspect of our lives.

"The Devil in DC" shows us how we've gone in the wrong direction and offers a step-by-step guide on what to do about it. Chumley explains the causes of our decline:

    •  A crippling welfare and entitlement system which degrades our own people
    •  An education system designed to reduce students to mediocrity rather than challenge students to meet a higher standard
    •  A broken immigration system which openly rewards law-breaking and illegal immigration and endangers our own people
    •  A Federal Reserve irresponsibly running up debt and printing money to prop up the economy
    •  Career politicians more interested in getting re-elected and lining their own pockets than serving their constituents

More importantly, Chumley tells us what we can do about it. "The Devil in DC" is such an important book to read," explains former governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. "[It] takes the fight of patriotic Americans to an even higher level, appealing to Christians and those of faith to get in the ring, jump in the fight. And what I really like about this book is it then shows them just how to do it."

"The Devil in DC" gives more than a dozen different ideas on how to roll back Big Government and, in the spirit of what the Founding Fathers envisioned, reestablish that our rights are God-granted, not government-given.

Don't give in to despair. Don't assume we are already defeated. Take back your culture, restore our constitution, and return our country to the way it was meant to be. Confront the Beast in Washington and make our Founders proud.

In "The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country from the Beast in Washington" is now available from the WND Superstore. This is one book no patriot can do without.

Cheryl K. Chumley, author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality" and former online editor for Tea Party Review magazine and news writer for the Washington Times is an award-winning journalist and former Robert Novak journalism fellow who spent a year researching the state of private property rights in America. She is a full-time writer for WND and a freelance news and opinion writer whose work has appeared in the Washington Examiner, Blaze magazine, World magazine, the American magazine, and Newsmax. Chumley has also written for the Capital Research Center, AOL, and the Heartland Institute. She lives in Safford, Virginia.

"The Devil in DC" is available at the WND Superstore now.
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