Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Stand with the Persecuted: This Sunday!

April 15, 2016
If you feel helpless about the suffering of Christians overseas, this Sunday is your chance to do something about it! FRC, with our partners at Open Doors (@OpenDoors), Institute on Religion & Democracy (@TheIRD), The Voice of the Martyrs (@VOM_USA), In Defense of Christians (@indefchristians), Christian Solidarity Worldwide-USA (@CSWUSA), International Christian Concern (@persecutionnews), and 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative (@21Wilberforce) are inviting churches from coast to coast to join us in setting aside a few minutes of their April 17 services to remember our brothers and sisters around the world.
While Christians feel increasingly marginalized and harassed here at home, it's nothing compared to the torture, imprisonment, oppression, and slaughter of God's children in the battlegrounds of the Middle East or Africa. Stand with the Persecuted is our chance to shine a light on the greatest human rights crises of our time.
All we ask is that congregations devote a little time: (1) praying for the persecuted (and for the conversion of the persecutors), (2) participating in practical ministry to brothers and sisters overseas, and (3) promoting public policy that protects the persecuted, such as standing for their right to religious freedom, and for a secure home for them and their posterity. As FRC's Rob Schwarzwalder reminds us in his new op-ed, "Prayer not only benefits the persecuted; it benefits us."
In less than seven months, America will have an opportunity to elect a leader who reverses the damage done by this administration's silence on global religious liberty. If our nation wants to revive its reputation as the defender of the defenseless, the church will have to lead the way. Join us this Sunday in taking an important step in doing just that. For more information, including an inspiring video about this movement, check out Also, don't miss the piece by FRC's Ken Blackwell and Dr. Tom Farr, "A Call to Solidarity between Domestic and Global Church."

Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

Also in the April 15 Washington Update:

Big Biz: You Want Appease of Me?

Activists Jury-Rig Daleiden Case

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