Tuesday, April 19, 2016


President Obama meets with Muslim Brotherhood lobbysit Anas Altikriti in the White House in February 2014. The Brotherhood now sponsors an annual 'Muslim Advocacy Day' on Capitol Hill targeting U.S. members of Congress.

President Obama meets with Muslim Brotherhood lobbysit Anas Altikriti in the White House in February 2014. The Brotherhood now sponsors an annual ‘Muslim Advocacy Day’ on Capitol Hill targeting U.S. members of Congress



'Like a demon, first it charms, then it disarms'

Leo Hohmann

Monday was the second annual National Muslim Advocacy Day in which Muslims descended on Captol Hill to address concerns such as “Islamophobia” with their senators and congressmen.

But some critics are saying the day was misnamed. It should have been “Muslim Brotherhood Day.”
That’s because the organization behind Muslim Advocacy Day is a front for the Brotherhood, an extremist Islamist group known for establishing scores of fronts – including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR – that fool the establishment media and many politicians.
Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy and a former assistant secretary of defense under Ronald Reagan, penned an op-ed in the Hill Monday that shined a light on the shadowy political group that sponsors the day of lobbying and activism for U.S. Muslims. It’s the United States Council of Muslim Organizations, or USCMO.
Gaffney said most congressmen were likely oblivious as to who is behind the USCMO and National Muslim Advocacy Day.
“The USCMO is the latest in a long series of front organizations associated with, and working to advance, the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” Gaffney writes.
The website for the USCMO suggests “advocacy issues” that Muslims should take up with their members of Congress. They were encouraged to talk to their elected leaders about condemning “Islamaphobia,” the website states. A second suggestion is addressing concerns about a Homeland Security program known as Countering Violent Extremism, which President Obama introduced last year with an emphasis that seems to focus more on “right wing militias” than Islamic terrorists, but the Brotherhood is still worried about the program. Perhaps it feels it could be turned against Muslims under a future President Ted Cruz or Donald Trump?
The Brotherhood’s agenda is laid out in a document introduced into evidence by federal prosecutors during the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history, U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation in 2007-08. Obama’s former Attorney General Eric Holder abruptly ended the trial despite its success in shutting down a prime funding source for Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization.
During that trial, a document written in 1991 by a top Muslim Brotherhood operative, Mohamed Akram, and entitled “The Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal of the Group in North America,” was presented into evidence. It was one of dozens of pieces of evidence that ended up sending more than 100 Muslim Brotherhood operatives to jail. CAIR, the Muslim Student Association and the Islamic Society of North America were among the groups outed during the trial as Muslim Brotherhood fronts. They remain unindicted co-conspirators in that case.
Destroying Western civilization ‘from within’
As Gaffney points out, the “Explanatory Memorandum” was an internal document meant for the eyes of the Brotherhood’s leadership in Egypt. It clearly states the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America as “destroying Western civilization from within … by [the infidels’] hands and the hands of the believers so that Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
There are two other important facts legislators should know about Akram’s memo, Gaffney states.
“First, the document helpfully attaches a list of 29 groups under the heading ‘Our organizations and organizations of our friends: Imagine if they all march according to one plan!’ A number of the identified Muslim Brotherhood fronts — and many others that have come into being since 1991 — are members of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations.
“Representatives and associates of such fronts will be among the Islamists in congressional offices on Monday,” Gaffney writes.
Second, the memo describes the Muslim Brotherhood’s favored technique for accomplishing its stated goal of destroying Western civilization – “civilization jihad.”
This kind of jihad is perfectly suited to a liberal Western democracy, Gaffney says.
“This sort of jihad involves employing stealthy, subversive means like influence operations to penetrate and subvert our government and civil society institutions,” he writes.
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has been studying the Muslim Brotherhood agenda and tactics for years. Her warnings while in Congress were met with mocking derision.
“The Muslim Brotherhood together with its myriad fake front groups, like a demon, first charms then disarms, then contorts itself into a seemingly friendly face,” Bachmann told WND. “Once it’s beguiled its unsuspecting victim, it mercilessly unleashes death and destruction upon its unwary victims, like a viper.
“Congress has a constitutional duty to protect America against this intentional attack.”
Retired U.S. Army Gen. Jerry Boykin, who is vice president of the Family Research Council, is also seeing red flags in the Muslim Brotherhood’s all-out lobbying assault on Washington, D.C.
Boykin, in an interview with American Family Radio, said Americans should not be fooled by the Brotherhood’s assertion that it speaks for all U.S. Muslims.
Boykin said Muslim Advocacy Day attempts to make Americans reluctant to stand up to the very groups that are attempting to change the culture and, in some instances, engage in terrorist acts. The strategy has already been very successful. In San Bernardino, California, a group of construction workers saw the unusual activity of Middle Eastern men coming and going from terrorist Syed Farook’s house, and the constant deliveries of supplies, but they said they were afraid to report the activity to police for fear of being labeled “anti-Muslim.”
Farook and his jihadist wife, Tashfeen Malik, entered a Christmas party in December and shot to death 14 Americans.
But the retired Army general added that Americans are waking up to the threat.
Boykin said the next president should reach out to Muslims who reject jihad and Shariah law.
Boykin believes CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood won’t enjoy the access to the White House that they have now.
“We’re going to go the way of the United Arab Emirates,” he predicts, “and we’re going to call them the terrorists that they are.”
Robert Spencer, author of the JihadWatch blog for the David Horowitz Freedom Center and of several books about Islam, said there is no “Islamophobia” in America.
A “phobia” is defined as an irrational fear.
He said there is nothing irrational about seeing and believing the Brotherhood’s plan for America, as stated in its own words. The Brotherhood should be banned in this country as a terrorist organization, he said.
Bill to ban Brotherhood not promoted by GOP leadership
Legislation has been introduced recently in Congress that would do exactly that, but so far it hasn’t gotten much traction under the GOP leadership of Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
“The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations says its second annual National Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill today is ‘designed to connect national, regional and state Muslim organizations, community members with their elected representatives in Congress,'” Spencer said. “However, the ties that some of the foremost organizations making up this coalition have to the Muslim Brotherhood reveal the sinister aspect of this agenda – and underscore the necessity of passing S. 2230, the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act.”
Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Bahrain and Jordan have already designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, and the group’s motto would seem to be a self-incriminating statement as to its objectives, Spencer noted.
Their motto states: “Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
Clare Lopez, vice president for research and analysis at CSP, said the group can wrap itself in the American flag all it wants, but the USCMO is still “openly associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, a jihadist organization dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization from within.”
Linking its agenda with the Black Lives Matter movement doesn’t much help its image either, Lopez said.
The Muslim Association of America, at its annual conference in December, openly called for U.S. Muslims to join as revolutionary comrades with the Black Lives Matter movement.
For more on the Muslim Brotherhood’s revolutionary partnership with Black Lives Matter, watch video report “Star Spangled Sharia: The Rise of America’s First Muslim Brotherhood Party.”
"Attempts to suborn members of Congress through influence operations like Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill must not be allowed to succeed," Lopez said. "'En garde' is the watchword for the day.'"
With the launch of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations in March 2014, Gaffney says the Muslim Brotherhood has secured a new instrument for its subversion: a self-described U.S. "political party" meant to dominate and mobilize Muslim voters across the country and get them marching according to one plan.
"The object is to elicit support for the Muslim Brotherhood's demands from candidates and to help achieve what the Islamic supremacists would regard as favorable outcomes in the 2016 elections," he writes.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/muslim-brotherhood-descends-on-capitol-hill-with-deceptive-agenda/#RKKiO9d3X5Byu5PJ.99

My comments: Islam is an Evil Religion today as it has been since its beginning. As Demanded by the Koran, Islam seeks to Dominate the World through a World Wide Islamic Caliphate. As the Muslim Brotherhood declares: "Allah is their Objective; the Prophet Muhammad is their Leader; The Koran is their Law; Jihad is their Way; Dying in the Way of Allah is their Highest Hope."  

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