Tuesday, April 5, 2016


The Daily Jot          
   Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Islam's plan to determine the US election – VOTE!

While Christians are arguing about God's candidate and deciding not to vote, Muslims are registering to vote by the tens of thousands. And for whom do you think they are going to vote? The New York Times cites a recent Pew Research Center survey indicating "that 70 percent of American Muslims identify with the Democratic Party." 

The NYT reports, "Although Muslims make up only about 1 percent of the population in the United States, civil rights groups have set a goal of registering a million new voters. Efforts will be focused on swing states such as Ohio and Florida that have large Muslim populations, potentially giving the small but united voting bloc the power to tilt close elections." Now for the truth.

The Times writes, "Organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, known as CAIR, the Islamic Circle of North America and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations are encouraging mosques to turn themselves into voter registration centers before the November election so that Muslims can make their voices heard at the polls. 

Registration drives are expected to ramp up significantly in June, during Ramadan, when attendance at Islamic centers peaks." The Times quoted CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper as saying, "The fear and apprehension in the American Muslim community has never been at this level. The anti-Islamic tidal wave is spurring civic participation."

Federal prosecutors in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial named CAIR as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation criminal conspiracy to support the terrorist group, Hamas. 

In addition, prosecutors introduced as evidence a Muslim Brotherhood plan to take over the US through a strategic "civilization jihadist process" aimed at "sabotaging its (America's) miserable house" from within. 

The Islamic Circle of North America is named in the Muslim Brotherhood document. Islamic Centers and Mosques play an important role in the plan to support "battalion" and "domestic political resolution." They are to be "operations rooms" for Islamic activity throughout the region they serve.

Muslims are not arguing about who is allah's candidate. They will be voting for the Democratic nominee because he or she will keep appeasing Islam and allowing jihadists into the country. 

Islam has a plan to take over America, and it has a political party as a willing dupe. Christians need to see the reality of what is going on outside their country club churches. We need to quit bickering about whether to vote and make sure our good is used to overcome evil. 

But first, we need to, as Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." All the noise in this election is deceptive. There is much at stake. Islam believes that America is within reach. You can bet your bottom dollar that Muslims are working with a purpose.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!

My comments: Are there enough people who still believe in America as Founded to Rise Up and defend her? 

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