Saturday, April 2, 2016





Jerome Corsi says Republicans comfortable with Democrats' agenda

Paul Bremmer

At last a Republican presidential candidate has emerged who has captured the hearts of the party’s base. At last a candidate is speaking to the deepest concerns of blue-collar Americans, including many independents and Democrats. At last working-class Republicans have someone they can enthusiastically support.

Does this mean the Republican Party is uniting around Donald Trump in hopes of securing a big victory this November?
To the contrary, the party establishment is talking about pulling out all the stops to prevent Trump from capturing the nomination, including supporting Ted Cruz, who they believe will lose the general election.
Jerome Corsi, a WND senior staff writer and longtime political observer, claims the GOP establishment does not always play to win.
“The establishment of the GOP is happy to have a Democratic Party president because they can do the social agenda they want without being responsible for it,” Corsi said in an interview.
Corsi went behind the scenes of Mitt Romney’s failed 2012 presidential campaign as a member of the traveling press. After the election, he delivered an autopsy of the campaign in his book, “What Went Wrong.” One of the lessons Corsi learned was the Republican establishment is less interested in finding winning candidates than in holding onto its own power and privileges. In fact, he said they do not hold the same values as the grassroots of the Republican Party.
“They are globalist in nature,” Corsi revealed. “They believe in this global free trade. They don’t really believe in U.S. boundaries, and they’re very much in agreement with the Democratic Party’s socialist agenda; they just don’t want to lead it. They don’t want to be responsible for it. They’re not conservative, and they’re not in agreement with the fundamental base of the Republican Party, which is much more conservative than they are.”
Corsi warned that, in spite of their rhetoric, establishment Republican types don’t want to shake things up in Washington in any meaningful way. They may talk a conservative game, but they have no intention of implementing a conservative agenda if elected.
In Corsi’s view, House Speaker Paul Ryan has no problem giving Obama all the money he wants to spend. He and the other establishment Republicans just want to keep their hands clean of Democrat spending proposals.
“They just want it to be a Democrat budget, and they want to argue that they don’t have any control over changing anything, which is not true but they want to argue that because they’re basically in accordance with the new agenda of the Democratic Party,” the author said. “They don’t want to have a strong Republican Party.”
So it is that GOP establishment figures recoil in horror at Donald Trump, who threatens to seize control from the Democrats while ending the lobbyist/consultant gravy train.
“They try to defeat Donald Trump because they’re very concerned that if Donald Trump gets a hold of the leadership of the party, he’s going to make dramatic changes in their privileges that they’re going to try to gain and continue to gain – all the money they make in Congress, lobbying, consulting, jobs after they’re finished with Congress,” Corsi said. “They don’t want to give up any of those privileges, and they don’t want to give up any of those basic goodies they have, and they don’t intend to give them up.”
That’s why there has been so much talk of a contested convention, at which GOP leadership would have a chance to wrest the nomination from Trump even if the Donald had a near-majority of delegates. Corsi believes if a brokered convention happens, the establishment will pick a candidate like Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney, men who have lost before and whom Corsi promises will lose again because the GOP base will not turn out en masse to vote for either of them.
One GOP Rules Committee member essentially thumbed his nose at the party’s voters, bragging that the parties, not the primary voters, choose the nominees. Corsi foresees a catastrophe if the party ends up swiping the nomination from Trump when the Donald has a huge delegate lead entering the convention.
“The reaction against that will be so tremendous if they deny Trump the nomination that they could lose the House. They could lose the Senate. People would not say they’re Republicans any longer. Money would dry up for them,” Corsi predicted. “It would be catastrophic; they would have to rebuild the Republican Party after that.”
However, Corsi said he does not believe the party will succeed if it tries to block Trump. The veteran observer sees 2016 as similar to 1980, when outsider Ronald Reagan had so much popular support that the establishment did not have the leverage to stop him.
“At some point or another, they’re going to sober up and realize that they’re going to have to go along with this, so it’s time to make the best of it,” Corsi said. “But it’s not going to be easy for them.”
Corsi, who has written many books, does not buy the talk of an anti-Trump third party. He thinks the GOP establishment will simply bide its time until it can seize power again, even if Trump wins the general election.
“They’re going to stay in place and do what they did with Reagan – wait till he leaves,” Corsi predicted. “They’ll do the same thing with Trump. So if they have to wait eight years, they’ll wait eight years and then they’ll move back in control, just like they did with Goldwater. The Republican leadership doesn’t go away. From time to time, they get rebuked like this, and they eventually have to put up with it, but they won’t quit fighting. They won’t quit undermining.”
GOP leadership will try to undermine a President Trump, Corsi predicted, and Trump may ignore them. But Corsi doubts Trump will be able to completely get rid of the party establishment or reverse the ultimate trajectory of the party.
“Trump will make some changes,” he said. “He’ll make some major changes, but eventually the Republican Party is moving to a globalist party with multinational businesses. And the left is moving to a social democratic, socialist party, and I don’t think those trends are going to get stopped.”

My comments: Understand that Globalism is Corruption and has Infected the GOP as well as the Democrats. These are the people Preparing for the son of Satan and his One World Government and One World Religion, wittingly or unwittingly.

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