Wednesday, April 13, 2016




Exclusive: Linda Harvey challenges Americans: 'Walk the walk, people'

Spring is in the air, and that means tulips are in bloom. Birds build their nests.
Homosexual activism explodes in our schools
I got a call recently from a distraught aunt whose teen niece had “discovered” she’s a lesbian. A long-time close friendship with a very dominant girl three years her senior, her own compliant personality, combined with lots of school propaganda, produced this unhappy outcome.
And it’s hard to put this genie back in the bottle. Not impossible – that’s the good news – but definitely a challenge.
These sad tales are out there, yet many parents still remain silent – or almost as bad, they accept the false narrative that there are two equal views: those affirming so-called “LGBT” identities, and those affirming sound and healthy male/female dating and marriage.
But this “Neville Chamberlain” posture of presumed neutrality only deepens the roots in public education of anti-Christian, pro-immorality activities like the “Day of Silence,” falsely depicted as an “anti-bullying” event.
The Day of Silence (DOS) is a homosexual propaganda event to be observed in many schools on Friday, April 15, that deceptively wraps peer compassion around tolerance of high-risk behaviors like sodomy and gender confusion. “Remain silent because ‘LGBT’ youth have been silenced for too long!” is the idea.
Well, this would be hilarious if it weren’t ruining kids’ lives. These homofascists are hardly silent. They are the biggest bullies in today’s culture.
Refusal to go along with the DOS message means “kids will commit suicide,” we are told. Such a guilt trip. Such manipulation.
Such a complete scam.
It’s not the only outrageous homosexual lie being sold to America. The lavender axis is livid about the new law in North Carolina denying men the privilege of prancing into ladies’ restrooms. To refuse entry is, to them, the latest example of “discrimination,” even “segregation.”
The new religious freedom law in Mississippi evokes similar outrage by anarchists comfortable with obliterating the First Amendment right of any Mississippian to refuse to honor gender anarchy or faux same-sex “weddings.”
“How dare you refuse to let us bully you?!?” is essentially the message.
But as many Americans, even parents, warm up to the insane idea of a “fair” hearing for both viewpoints, the sexual leftists smell blood in the water and are pushing past our feeble defense to proclaim there is actually only one acceptable viewpoint: respect for anal sex between men, or penile substitution among women.
And that this is a respectable message for our kids.
It’s pure poppycock.
I dream of a different day, one where we don’t always retreat to “religious freedom,” as valuable as this right is, but enough of us take a bold stand for the core truth: that homosexual practices are always, for every person, in every household, for every faith, deviant practices. They are unhealthy, a hazard to children and an offense to Almighty God.
We should not be agreeing to any notion of “equality” for the advocacy of behaviors no one needs to engage in. There can be no polite acceptance of danger, not if we truly love our children.
The gender offenders and homosexuals do not deserve equal time, or an equal voice, to magnify this horror. They deserve to be shown the door, followed by referral to sensible counselors, not accommodated with “non-discrimination” policies, nor, God help us, with the gift of pretend “marriage.” How has Christian America been tricked into affirming these behaviors?
The only valid message is this: Leave these sins behind. You are better than this. We are all better than this, and this perversion will no longer be given a platform among our precious children.
So in schools, what are parents going to do about it?
The families in one Bay Area middle school discovered the “Day of Silence” was expanding into a “week of acceptance.” They rightly objected and launched a petition campaign. But here’s part of their message:
“We are highly concerned about the extended promotion of LGBTQ by the acceptance week curriculum. … Again, we are not against LGBTQ, but demand respect and equality for all segments of our community. …”
Perhaps this is the best once can hope for in the San Francisco area, but giving credence to harmful identities is truly not helpful.
It is truly hard to challenge school systems. But some have done it and survived, even grown through the process.
How has the homosexual movement changed in two decades from “Please give us tolerance” to “We demand unlimited power”? Their capture of the White House is one source of the swagger. The pink influence in corporate America and professional sports is another.
And so the school-based activist groups – the Human Rights CampaignGLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), the Southern Poverty Law Center – are well on their way to tying up the public school climate as well.
We must not cooperate with their plans. We can remove our children from these schools, the laudable choice many families have made.
But some need to take on the schools and the other institutions in our culture directly. Our push-back must be civil and well-orchestrated, but it needs to happen in our schools and also in the workplaces of Apple, PayPal, Google, Hilton, Marriott, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Starbucks, SalesForce, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and others standing with the sodomites and against morality.
Come on, people – if you work in these companies, man up and take a stand.
And the NFL, the NCAA and the NBA? If you love our children – if you love what has been good and right in America, and not the cesspool we are quickly becoming – do NOT purchase tickets from these organizations now supporting depravity!
And please, fathers, think. How much do we love our children? How much do we love the truth of the Lord?
It’s time to take a stand, now. Today.
Walk the walk, people. We are running out of time.
Our silence is deafening.

My comments: Christians need to take their Children out of the Public Schools or send them to Hell. The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists have Spend Decades to bring America's Schools to the Degenerate Condition they are currently in, and they will only get Worse. This Degenerate Train is running Full Steam down the tracks, and Oblivious to the Fact that there is a Collision with God Almighty Coming Soon. That is Exactly what the Word of God told us would happen in the Last of the Last day of TIME. But who believes God?

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