Wednesday, April 6, 2016





'America is continuing its descent to judgment'

America has been weighed on the scales and found wanting. And the days of the Republic may be at an end.

This from Franklin Graham, who has a biblical warning for the United States, that Americans could share the fate of the Babylonian empire.
In a recent post on his Facebook page, the son of the legendary evangelist Billy Graham told the story of how the Babylonian king Belshazzar was shown the writing on the wall from God’s hand, telling him his reign was over because he did not honor God.
Graham concluded:
“What’s the writing on the wall for America? As a nation we are found lacking because of sin and disobedience to God’s Holy Word. We have not honored Him. If we don’t turn back to God, I fear that our end will be near.”
Christian leaders and writers were quick to agree with Graham’s warning.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the bestselling author of “The Harbinger” and “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” said Graham is echoing some of the themes he has talked about for years.
“Sin leads to judgment,” said Cahn. “This law touches not only individuals, but nations and civilizations. To whom much is given, much is required. A nation that has been especially favored with God’s blessings and the revelation of the Word is much more accountable concerning judgment. This applies to America.”
Cahn claimed America was founded out of the pattern of ancient Israel.
“If America ever turns away from God and His ways, the blessings of God will be removed from the land and the judgments that came up on ancient Israel will come upon America,” he said. Cahn argues that is precisely what is happening with “continuing manifestations of judgment” appearing in our time.
“As I have always said, God is in charge of the timing, but as it is now, America is continuing decisively in its descent to judgment,” he concluded.
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Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries and author of “Blood Moons” and the upcoming “God’s Day Timer: The Believer’s Guide To Divine Appointments,” also argued God is ultimately in control of America’s fate.
“It is said that the one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history!” he exclaimed. “The last 4,000 years of world history are full of the rise and fall of kingdoms.
“Many had their turns at the helm of history. But immorality, how they treated the Jewish people, or both were always the cause of their demise. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel will bring all the kingdoms of this world in subjection to His leadership. He will put an end not only to America’s dominance but an end to every kingdom as He sets up His rule.”
Several commentators said Christians must avoid the temptation of seeking redemption through secular politics.
Bill Cloud, author of “Esau Rising,” said Christians have a special responsibility to look to God rather than any political leader.
“I know we are in the heat of this political cycle and there are a lot of Christians who think that if we just get the right guy in office then somehow all of our problems will be solved,” said Cloud.
“Well, I don’t think that any person, any party or philosophy is going to save the nation. Scripturally, it says that if the land is to be healed, what has to happen is that God’s people have to humble themselves, seek His face, pray, and turn from their wicked ways. And so initially it’s upon the Christians. 
The responsibility is upon the Christians to turn back to God in repentance and humility and to forsake our sins. Then we see these other things begin to fall in place. Then you’ll see a spiritual renewal take place throughout the nation.”
Last month, Graham made similar comments, saying he had zero hope in the Republican Party and saying he only had faith in God.
Carl Gallups, a pastor, talk show host and author of several books including “Be Thou Prepared,” said America has lost sight of its Christian foundation.
“From the earliest writings of many of our founding fathers to later declarations of presidents, the Supreme Court, and various national officials – the Christian heritage and foundation of our nation’s principles are indisputable,” he told WND. “It is precisely because of our Christian heritage that other religions of the world are free to lawfully exercise their faith – or even to hold no faith at all – without government penalty. It was a brilliant and godly plan. The institution of that plan brought the world the most unique and blessed nation the world has ever known since ancient Israel.
“We have turned so far from those founding principles. Unless America (beginning in its pulpits and pews and thus influencing the halls of government) repents and turns back to our foundation of Godly heritage – we will simply go the way of every other secular and godless empire of ages past.”
Cheryl Chumley, author of “The Devil in DC” and a WND staff writer, said temporal politics do matter. Ultimately, however, she agreed spiritual devotion is more important.
“It’s great that so much interest has been generated among the constituency over this current primary season,” she said. “And it’s great that Republican candidates are rousing conservatives, and particularly evangelicals, from their slumber of the past two presidential races, when many stayed home instead of voting. But we have to remember our nation, based on Judeo-Christian principles, isn’t one where government is the be-all and end-all of fixing what ails. America’s greatness is tied to the realization individual rights come from God, not government.
“Unfortunately, we’ve been mocking the one who’s granted us this great nation – we’ve been living in sin, fooling ourselves into believing things like abortion, adultery, gay marriage, and so forth, are simply changes with the times and those who oppose on religious or Christian grounds ought to just shut up and quit forcing out-of-date morals on the rest of society. Well, they’re not – they’re standards set by God. And the price for failing to uphold God’s standards is removal of His blessings and protections.”
However, though many of the writers and pastors asked agreed with Graham’s comments, Joel Richardson, bestselling author of the “The Islamic Antichrist” and director of the new film “Global Jesus Revolution,” had the most challenging response. He argued Christians need to brutally examine their own conduct, and that of their leaders.
“We are now increasingly hearing various American preachers claim that if the United States as a whole does not turn back to God, we are doomed as a nation,” said Richardson. “Such comments however, while having elements of truth, do little to help our current situation. First of all, every nation throughout the earth is going to face the judgment of the Lord. The universal Day of Reckoning is looming for every nation – and for every person. As Christians however, our primary duty is to first repent ourselves, and then to call other believers to obedience to Jesus.
“How can we expect unbelievers to repent of their sins and idols, when we ourselves are not even living in obedience to Jesus? 
How can we as the American church for example, ask unbelievers to forsake their idols when we as a community celebrate pastors who live in ten million dollar homes with three elevators?
“Do I think judgment is coming? Yes, absolutely. The Day of the Lord is inescapable. Who can stand on that day? But we must remember that as the Scriptures state, judgment begins in the house of God. Personally I am seeking to repent myself, and then to very solemnly call other believers to repent and get back to actually following Jesus as the early believers did. When we as a community truly do this, then revival will come to this nation.”

My comments: Unfortunately it is a small number of Christian Leaders calling the Nation to Repentance. Most Churches Pretend that Judgment Day is not relevant today--That Judgment does Not Begin in the House of the Lord--That what God has told us through His Word is a LIE!

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