Friday, April 15, 2016




Exclusive: Joseph Farah has videos examples of colleges 'going the way of the world'

It’s hardly a state secret that American colleges and universities have become breeding grounds for radical anti-Americanism, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic propaganda and anti-Christian bigotry.
But I suspect few Americans have a clue as to how the situation is moving in that direction on Christian campuses – even those with reputations for conservatism.
You can see it in glimpses and snapshots:
See Menjares’ remarks:
I could go on and on.
If you are looking for it in the news, you will see the trend.
From my own experiences with my own children in Christian colleges and universities, I’ve seen it firsthand.
In Christian parlance, it’s called going the way of the world.
Historically, it’s more than a trend. It’s the story of the American academy: Every great college and university you can name – from Harvard and Yale to Princeton and Dartmouth – all started as Christian colleges. Now they are every bit as secular and “progressive” as the Communist Party USA.
It’s the story of the fall of Christian education in America. And it’s not just higher education that has gone this way. The so-called “public education system” also had its roots in New England churches and ministries.
Here are some questions American Christians should be asking themselves:
  • Are we better off for this trend?
  • Is America better off?
  • Are our children better off?
  • Is the church fulfilling its role as “salt and light” in our culture?
  • Why has Christianity abdicated its responsibility to the world and to government?
  • Is it any wonder America is losing its Christian heritage?
  • Is it any wonder Christian children reared in Christian homes are losing their faith when they attend college?
Recently, I saw more anecdotal evidence of this trend.
Again, at Biola, an institution at which I was often asked to lecture 30 years ago, the president of the college, Barry H. Corey, shared a poem with his students. In it he explains his regrets for not wincing at the death of Michael Brown, the thug who attacked a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, and expresses his sorrow for saying “all lives matter.” He beats himself up for not seeing how justice would work out for Trayvon Martin and for not reading enough of Maya Angelou, Ralph Ellison and Richard Wright.
It’s all about “diversity” – but not ideological diversity. It’s not even about gender diversity, as Biola’s enrollment is 67 percent female.
He boasts about having radical Cornell West, “my brother,” speak at the college.
One thing you won’t hear in the poem is “Christ crucified.”
The only gospel you’re likely to hear is the “social justice gospel.”
Bob Dylan once sang: “Those not busy being born are busy dying.”
Let me paraphrase him by concluding, 
“Those not busy being followers of the One True God as reflected in the image of Jesus-Yeshua are busy going the way of the world.”

My comments: We are witnessing The Great Apostasy the Word of God tells us of. [2 Thessalonians 2:3; Daniel 8:12] It is Probable that this Apostasy will Consume as much as one-half of the "Church," sending many Christians to an Eternal Hell. 

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