Monday, April 4, 2016




Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals 1 thing that 'could literally hand presidency to Hillary'

There are three candidates left contending for the GOP presidential nomination – one front-runner, one with a shot at the nomination and another vanity candidate who remains in the race for his own reasons.
None of them is willing to say unequivocally he will support the eventual nominee of the party.
That is a recipe for a 2016 Republican electoral disaster. Worse than that, it represents a potential disaster for the future of America, which is already on the brink and at the point of no return after eight years of Barack Obama.
Forgetting about John Kasich, whose support is not pivotal for the two candidates who can win the needed votes at the convention, there is an absolute need for Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to make peace, to put their differences aside, to make amends, to get behind closed doors together and heal the wounds caused by personal attacks if either emerges at the nominee. There just are not enough Republican votes to win a presidential election, defeat Hillary Clinton and save this nation from the misery another Democrat victory by default will cause.
Last week, I wrote about the need for this rapprochement between the two Republican candidates. The open hostility between Trump and Cruz has only worsened since then. The tragedy is compounded by the reality that a united Republican Party could be unstoppable in November because the American public really does seek a dramatic change of course – one that would be better and certain if either Trump or Cruz wins.
I know it isn’t easy. But it’s a matter of putting the country first.
Look, I’m a Ted Cruz supporter. But, if Cruz doesn’t win, I will enthusiastically cast a ballot for Donald Trump. It’s a matter of simple survival. America cannot take four more years of the kind of “leadership” it has experienced since 2009.
Here’s the way I look at it. There are important distinctions between either of the two leading Republican candidates and Hillary Clinton:
  • Both Trump and Cruz will seal the border. About that there can be no doubt. They both want to enforce our immigration laws – something that hasn’t been done for far too long, even before Obama swept into office. This is one of the most important issues facing America in 2016. Their prescriptions are not dissimilar. Without that course correction, an effectively borderless nation becomes no nation at all, especially given the poor track record of the Republican Congress over the last several years.
  • Both Trump and Cruz offer a pro-growth economic strategy, with only some minor differences between them.
  • Both have sworn to end Obamacare if Congress approves legislation to repeal it in 2017.
  • Both have offered effective strategies to take on the existential threat of radical Islamic terrorism.
For me, you can stop right there. That is enough for me to determine there’s a real difference between the eventual Republican nominee in 2016 and the Democratic Party nominee. The choice is much starker and well-defined than it has been in 2008 and 2012.
But hard feelings between the candidates and their supporters carried into the general election campaign could literally hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton. In fact, I would say it represents the only scenario by which she can prevail.
If I can see that, I wonder why Ted Cruz and Donald Trump cannot. I also wonder why so many supporters of Trump have such harsh words and carry negative feelings about Cruz.
It’s time to get over it.
We cannot hand Hillary the election by default.
We cannot accept defeat because of sometimes childish pride by either of the two front-runners or their supporters.
Vote your preference in the final primaries before a nominee is selected. But don’t shut the door on supporting the eventual winner. It’s stupid. It’s like kissing the American Dream goodbye because your favored candidate didn’t win.
Either of these two candidates represents a chance for taking America back.
I have my preference; others have their preferences. The kind of disunity and division we’re seeing between the candidates and their supporters needs to come to an end now.
On the other side, it is still a hotly contentious race, too. But I have no doubts Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are going to unite one way or another at the convention. That’s what the left always does. It understands the power of the Marxist united front to further its socialist agenda.
It’s time for conservatives and Republicans to understand the effectiveness of a strategy that involves putting on a good face even when there remains some very bad blood and very hard feelings.
Am I wasting my breath?

My comments: America is a Divided Nation, not only between Political Parties, but in those parties. America is a Divided Nation, Ethically, Morally, and Religiously. America is in Overt Rebellion against God and His Word. As such she Cannot and Will Not Stand. If a Democrat is Elected President America as Founded is FINISHED! In Any Case, she remains Divided.

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